Andy Treese, Campus Life Editor

Published by adviser, Date: January 8, 2013

“Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously.” – Hunter S. Thompson


As the quote suggests, I don’t believe in taking life too seriously; I never have, and I never will. After all, no one gets out alive in the end. That being said, I also don’t believe that life should be ignored. Whether you realize it or not, everyone – and everything – in our world has a story that’s just waiting to be told. And as the Campus Life Editor, I want to uncover that story. Having been involved with The Rocket for my whole college career, I started off as a contributing feature writer for the Focus section – or what is now known as Campus Life – in the Fall of 2009. The following semester, my former editor Kacie Peterson came up to me and wanted me to apply for the Assistant Focus Editor position. By February of 2010, I got the job. I then remained as the Assistant Focus Editor for another year and a half until I became the Campus Life Editor in the Fall of 2011. With my graduation date getting closer and closer, I am extremely thankful and blessed to have been a part of a wonderful, historic student-run newspaper. Looking back on my career with The Rocket, I have gained a ton of invaluable experience, and I met many friendly and interesting people along the way that I won’t soon forget. But when I leave, you can keep the monkey.



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