SGA approves transportation requests, adds another new club

Published by adviser, Author: Logan Campbell - Asst. News Editor, Date: November 8, 2016

Slippery Rock Student Government Association approved the transportation funding requests for three different organizations, and recognized a new club to campus on Monday night.

The Green & White Society was awarded $150 for transportation to their Backpacks to Briefcases event which will be held in Wexford, Pa. This event will allow our members to network with alumni in a professional setting from a variety of majors, a club representative said. The $150 is needed due to the Campbell bus company raising the prices of the buses for each semester, he said.

The SRU Marching Pride was approved $10,000 for transportation to away games after the rates of Campbell bus company went up for the band. The band is putting out a good product and taking the 180 band members plus instruments, which takes some more money, a band representative said.

Finally, SGA approved the request of $154.48 for the Club Tennis team to use for transportation to their tournament in New Jersey. This is the biggest tournament for the team, and eight members will be attending, a club representative said.

SGA also recognized Security Studies Club as a new club on campus. This club will be based off of the two new security majors at campus, which are homeland security and corporate security,a club representative said. Most majors have a club designated for them and the goal is to give these students an opportunity to gain knowledge and experience in the major, she said. The club will look to bring speakers from security studies such as FBI and CIA agents.

SGA approved the minutes from October 24, as well as Dallas Kline for the 2016-2017 SRSGA Scholarship.

Sarah Arpino, vice president of internal affairs, discussed the details of the SGA dodgeball tournament which will be held on Nov. 19. Registration is due by Friday to the student security desk in the Smith Student Center. Teams need to have six players and it is $3 per person. Winners will receive prizes and t-shirts, Arpino said.

Abby Fugh, vice president for student and academic affairs, said the annual campus crawl was a successful and 99 reported suggestions were taken down for consideration.

Kline, who spoke for Sammy Hovis, vice president of campus outreach, said the harvest fest had a good turnout and allowed SGA to interact more with students on a personal level.

Ian Banks, commuter senator, also serves as the director of concerts and comedians for the University Program Board addressed the Fall concert.

“As many of you saw my letter, we will not be having a fall 2016 concert,” Banks said. “Many reasons went into this, whether it was the location, budget restrictions, or availability of artists. We did get Jeff Ross as our comedian for Dec. 6, so we are looking forward to that. This will allow us to get a bigger spring concert.”

The next SGA meeting will be held on Nov 21 in the Student Center Theater at 8:45 p.m.


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