Police Blotter 11/6/23

Published by Matthew Glover, Date: November 7, 2023

CONTENT WARNING: This edition of the police blotter contains mentions of suicidal intent, alcohol use and automobile accidents. Please use caution before reading. 

October 26 – An individual on station filed a report that they are receiving threatening text messages to harm them and their family. The case is under investigation.

October 26 – Butler 911 called into dispatch advising that they received a call from an individual in Building A saying that they had just cut themselves badly and needed EMS. Police and EMS arrived on scene, and the person was transported to Butler Memorial Hospital.

October 26 – Police responded to a fire alarm activation in Building F. The officer determined that burnt food was the cause of the activation. The officer reset the alarm panel.

October 26 – Police responded to a vehicle accident in West Lake Commuter Lot. The caller said that while backing out of a parking space, they hit the vehicle next to them. The officer arrived, and all required information was exchanged.

October 26 – Police are investigating a report of fraud in the amount of $8,307.80 in refund of Federal Grants in the fall of 2023.

October 26 – Police responded to an individual in the Smith Student Center having severe gastrointestinal pain. When the officer arrived, the person refused medical treatment. The individual’s parent arrived and said that she would take care of her child. No further action was taken.

October 26 – Police received an intruder alarm activation from the Smith Student Center. The alarm was accidentally set off by university police upon entering the area to assist with retrieving a student’s bookbag that they forget to get when leaving the building. The alarm panel was reset.

October 27 – Police received a call from an individual in Eisenburg Classroom Building having an epileptic seizure. University Police and EMS arrived on scene. The individual refused medical treatment, and no further action was taken.

October 27 – Police received a call from a Watson Hall CA about an alcohol violation. The officers arrived, alcohol was discovered, and citations were issued to Gavynn Thompson, 20, Natalie McClean, 18, and Alisa Nuhfer, 18, for underage drinking.

October 27 – Police responded to a fire alarm activation from Rock Apartment #6. The responding officer determined that burnt mac-and-cheese was the cause of the alarm. The officer reset the alarm system.

October 27 – Police received a call from Building E CAs that an individual was in the lobby area and was complaining that they were dizzy, lightheaded and having a panic attack. University Police and EMS arrived on the scene, and the individual refused medical treatment. No further action was taken.

October 28 – Police received a call from Building F CAs for an alcohol violation. The incident was referred to student conduct.

October 28 – Police received a call from Building B CAs for an alcohol violation. Charges against Tyler Mack, 19, Anthony Moreno, 19, Isabella Buono, 19, Abigail Fink, 19, Ava Dossier, 18, and Maddox Lohr, 18, are pending.

October 29 – A Person in the BSB Commuter Lot reported an unknown vehicle had hit their vehicle in the lot. The report was taken, and the case is under investigation.

October 30 – Police received a fire alarm activation from Building E. It was discovered upon arrival that workers were moving concrete by the loading dock which caused the alarm to be activated.

October 30 – Police were called to a traffic accident at the main intersection of campus. The vehicle struck the pillar while trying to enter campus. An incident report was taken, and SRU maintenance was notified of the damage.

October 30 – Police were requested to dispatch an ambulance to Rhoades Hall for a person to be transported to the hospital.

October 31 – 911 called University Police and informed them that an ambulance was dispatched to Morrow Field House for a person with a possible broken femur. The person was transported to Allegheny General Hospital.

October 31 – Slippery Rock Borough Police requested assistance for a traffic accident on Mulberry Lane.

October 31 – Police were called to check on a person in Watson Hall who was making suicidal remarks on social media. The person spoke with the crisis officer present and would follow up with this person. The person was given resources on the scene by police.

October 31 – Police were called to North Hall to check on a person. Police contacted the person and told them to call police back.

November 1 – Police responded to a vehicle that slid on the roadway into a curb on Kiester Road. The officer arrived on the scene, and no injuries were reported. The vehicle was not able to be driven and parked in the West Lake Commuter Lot to be towed. The vehicle operator was driving on a suspended driver’s license, and charges are pending.

November 1 – Slippery Rock PD requested university police assistance at a traffic stop on Franklin Street. University police arrived on the scene and assisted in the traffic stop. The driver was issued a verbal warning for following a vehicle too closely.

November 1 – Police responded to a fire alarm activation at Rock Apartment #5, and the responding officer determined that an individual using a diffuser was the cause of the alarm. The officer reset the alarm system.

November 2 – Police responded to an individual in Building A who called into dispatch and said they were having chest pains and shortness of breath. EMS arrived and transported the individual to Grove City Medical Center.

November 2 – Police responded to a fire alarm activation in Building E. The responding officer determined that the cause was a humidifier that the residents were using in their room. The alarm system panel was reset.

November 2 – Police received a call about a vehicle accident that had just occurred in front of Miller Auditorium. The reporting officer arrived, and no injuries were reported. Both vehicles were drivable, and all required information was received.

November 2 – Police received an elevator E-phone activation from the Smith Student Center. The dispatcher was unable to determine the cause of the alarm, and everything appeared to be OK.

November 3 – Police received an elevator E-phone activation from North Hall and determined that the call button was accidentally pressed by an individual in the elevator.

November 3 – Police responded to a fire alarm activation in Building E. The responding officer determined that the cause was a humidifier that the residents were using in their room. The alarm system panel was reset.

November 4 – Police were called to Building E to check on a person. Police arrived and knocked on the door, and the person was sleeping. The person was told to contact the caller.

November 4 – Police received a smoke detector activation from Rock Apartment #7. Police checked the room, determined burnt food was the cause and reset the alarm system panel.

November 5 – Slippery Rock Borough Police requested assistance at the GetGo on Kelly Boulevard for 5 people who were disorderly. No other action was taken by SRUPD. Borough Police is handling the charges.

November 5 – Police received a call from Building B for a person having a medical issue. The person was transported by ambulance to Grove City Hospital.

November 5 – Police received a call for a possible altercation outside of Building F. Police spoke with the parties involved and want no charges filed. Information was given to student conduct.

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Matt is a senior majoring in Strategic Communication and Media with a concentration in converged journalism and minor in Political Science. He enrolled at SRU as a junior in the spring 2021 semester and contributed to The Rocket before becoming the news editor in fall 2022. Before that, he wrote sports articles for The Penn at IUP. Matt spends his free time playing music, socializing with friends, and playing with his cats, Max and Odele. Matt is graduating in December and is currently actively seeking employment.


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