2/20/2020 Blotter

Published by Nina Cipriani, Date: February 21, 2020

February 14 – Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) requested university police to assist a female that was screaming. Officers advised the security personnel. Guard stated that they were there earlier for a loud noise complaint. University police made contact and spoke to all individuals in room. All was OK. Residents were advised by security to keep the noise down. No further action was taken by university police.

February 14 – Police received a fire alarm activation in Rhoads Hall. The building was evacuated before the officer arrived. Cause of alarm was burnt mac and cheese. Alarm was reset, and the students were able to reenter the building.

February 14 – While on patrol an officer observed a vehicle sitting in the roadway and an individual laying on Kiester Road. Person got up and staggered into the entrance of the middle school. Person was highly intoxicated. Person was brought back to the police station, and individual’s friend was contacted to pick up the person. Jonathan Kozarian, 21, was cited with public drunkenness.

February 14 – Individual reported that they had their vehicle parked in Founders Lower Commuter Parking Lot on Feb. 13 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. When they returned, there was damage to the rear driver’s side bumper. Case is still under investigation.

February 14 – Police responded for a fire alarm activation in the Advanced Technology and Science Hall. Building was evacuated and locked down upon arrival. It was reported that there was an odor of natural gas. Odor was coming from a door power motor that was burnt. Oil was cleaned up, and alarm system was reset. The building was reopened.

February 14 – Police responded for a fire alarm activation in ROCK apartments. Alarm was set off by burnt food.

February 15 – Police received a fire alarm and waterflow alarm in the Advanced Technology and Science Hall. Cause was a broken water line inside the building.

February 15 – Police received a call from an individual in the Equestrian Center that stated there was a broken water line inside of the building. Leak was by stall 12. Officer shut off the main water supply line. Maintenance was notified and responded to location.

February 15 – Police were requested by Health and Safety to respond to Old Thompson Field for smoldering fly ash by the boiler plant. Slippery Rock Fire Department was dispatched and responded to campus. Bags were removed from side of the building and placed by the track. Fire department hosed off the fly ash bags. Once the bags were watered down, the fire department left the scene. Safety and maintenance remained at the location.

February 15 – Officer conducted a traffic stop for a moving violation resulting in persons being in possession and consumption of an alcoholic beverage. Bradley Smith, 20 and Ian Smith, 20, were cited with alcohol violations.

February 17 – Police responded for a fire alarm activation in ROCK apartments. Alarm was set off by steam from person cooking.

February 18 – Police received a complaint of an individual that was making disturbing comments about staff personnel and academic building in Harrisville Building. Police contacted person, and individual was issued a no trespass order.

February 18 – Police received a call from the custodial staff of an older white male that was in the computer lab of Patterson Hall. When staff entered room, person left area abruptly and walked toward Smith Student Center. Person was gone upon arrival.

February 18 – Police received a fire alarm activation in ROCK apartments. Safety was notified and responded. Alarm was reset.

February 18 – EMS responded to an individual that passed out in the Smith Student Center. Person was conscious and alert. Person refused medical treatment, and no further police action was taken.

February 19 – Police responded for a fire alarm activation in ROCK apartments. Alarm was set off by burnt food.


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