SGA’s greek life funding change explained

Published by adviser, Author: Cody Nespor, Date: March 26, 2018

Last week, I published an opinion piece with questions about a recent change the Student Government Association (SGA) made to their finance policy regarding funding greek life organizations. On Monday I was able to meet with SGA’s vice president of finance, Riley Keffer, to talk about the specifics of the change and what actual impact it could have in the future.

The change in question is in SGA’s finance policy, Article III. Eligibility for Funding, Section A: Requirements. A new policy was added saying, “All social Fraternities, Sororities, Order of Omega, National Pan-Hellenic Council, Panhellenic Council, and Interfraternity Council are to be considered eligible for funding in the same manner as any other student organization if in good standing with and approved by Slippery Rock University.”

Via email prior to our meeting, Keffer said that this clears up a gray area within the policy more than anything else.

During our meeting, Keffer explained that, in the past, greek life organizations had received funding for things like Weekend of Welcome events and for bringing speakers to campus. Keffer said that the change in the policy just makes it so things like these can be funded for greek life organizations despite the no gender discrimination policy for student organizations.

Keffer said that SGA wants to fund greek life events like this because they are open to everyone on campus and they help greek life be a positive community on campus.

Greek life organizations will have to follow the same policies as every other student organization that requests funding and that they will specifically not be able to request funding for, “clothing, recruitment, events not open to all students, direct charitable donations, required national conferences, or advertising.”

Keffer said that, realistically, this will not actually change that much with SGA funding in the future. Keffer also said that SGA’s budget will remain virtually unchanged and there is no planned increase to the student activities fee, which SGA does not control.

“I understand that we didn’t really explain it to that extent (at the SGA formal meeting),” Keffer said. “In reality, this will not be a big impact.”

SGA’s next formal meeting is Monday, April 2.


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