Health center offers database for students to communicate with nurses, obtain documents

Published by adviser, Author: Daniel DiFabio - Contributor, Date: January 28, 2016

Student Health Services introduced a new online web portal where students can complete their health histories, communicate with nurses and be reminded of scheduled appointments.

Laura Hawkins, nurse supervisor, said access to the portal is easy and geared towards new students with access being sent out in admission letters although any SRU student can access the portal.

“Incoming students are going to be able to get onto the computer, sign onto the portal using their SRU ID and password and can electronically send us their health information,” Hawkins said.

SRU students can also use the portal to access their immunization records or talk to their healthcare provider.

“When a healthcare provider wants to talk to the student we can send them a message in their SRU email that will give them the URL to get the provider’s message,” Hawkins said.

Renee Bateman, health promotion coordinator, said the portal is nice because it makes it easier to find the information instead of having to carry hard paper. Students can also use the portal to see their lab results.

“Normally if you get lab results we call you to come pick them up and you need documentation but now a health care provider can send something through the portal and you won’t ever have to come to the health center to pick it up,” Bateman said.

Student Health Services can see if a student hasn’t reviewed their lab results and can tell them they’re available. Students can also sign various forms from the portal, including a privacy form and a permission for treatment consent form.

Hawkins said the portal has the potential to expand, so Student Health Services can offer the ability for students to self-schedule from the portal itself.

Bateman said Student Health Services will continue to take feedback from students on how easy the portal is to access and what other updates they would like to see added. Students can give feedback in person or email either Bateman or Hawkins.

Student feedback also helped solve a minor problem with the portal, with Student Health Services discovering that students could only access the portal on SRU Wi-Fi. This is a temporary thing and will be changed.

“We’re willing to work with our students and willing to hear what else they want,” Bateman said.

The portal has been successful, with most of the students actively using it right now being close patients.

“There are a lot of students getting onto it and looking around, exploring and getting familiar with it,” Hawkins said.


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