SGA gives money, talks charity

Published by adviser, Author: Chris Gordon - Assistant News Editor, Date: November 3, 2015

Slippery Rock University’s Student Government Association granted a total of $6,365.50 in travel funds to four campus organizations Monday night.
Women’s Club Volleyball was given $4,000, which they will use to rent a bus to travel to a tournament in Kentucky, a club representative said.
“At the tournament, we will be able to compete against teams we’ve never played before,” the representative continued.
The SRU Western Equestrian Team was given $1,483, which they will use to travel to five different competitions throughout the semester, Vice President of Finance Michael Farah said.
The Pre-Physical Therapy Club was given $682.50 to travel to a basketball game which will be open to all students, a club representative said.
Finally, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics at SRU was given $200 to attend a conference, which is also open to all students.
A representative from Up ‘Til Dawn for St. Jude Children’s Hospital attended Monday’s meeting and reminded those in attendance of the annual event.
“It takes $2 million to keep the hospital open for one day,” the representative said of St. Jude, which provides free-of-charge medical care to childhood cancer patients.  “Slippery Rock has pledged to raise $25,000, which is enough to keep the hospital open for 16 minutes.”
Additionally, SGA President Logan Steigerwalt reminded those in attendance of a “Pasta for Penny” event, which will be held on Nov. 15 from 1  p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Alumni House and will raise money for an employee of the SGA Bookstore who was recently diagnosed with lung cancer.
The SGA Bookstore is also taking donations towards the employee’s expenses, Steigerwalt said.
The next SGA meeting will be held on Nov. 16 at 8:45 p.m. in the Smith Student Center theater.


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