Board of Co-Op approves Phi Beta Sigma’s ‘ambitious budget’

Published by adviser, Author: Kevin Squires - Assistant News Editor, Date: September 12, 2013

A motion was passed during the Board of Cooperative Activities (Co-Op) meeting Thursday allowing the request for Phi Beta Sigma to receive $3,170 from budgetary reserves. The meeting was called to order at 12:34 p.m.

“It’s a very ambitious budget,” said Cathy George, SRSGA, Inc. Business Manager, “[Phi Beta Sigma] has really worked hard on it.”

The funds are proposed to support various new initiatives including 11-12 events comprised of various activities such as three national events, a stroll competition, business speakers, two campus parties for all students, one of which will be a DJ and the other a keynote speaker and others.

“It is a heavy goal they’re setting for themselves, but they do do a lot of programming each year,” said Brad Kovaleski, Student Government Association advisor.

In other news, the Board elected Tavara Edge, Erica Camahan, Steven Zamborsky, and Dane Patricelli for Co-Op at Large positions on the Student Government Associations Board of Cooperative Activities. The election occurred after being tabled at the last meeting Cooperative Operations meeting to better advertise for the Co-Op at Large positions and encourage more students to apply, the Board selected the four representatives from a pool of six upon review of their applications and a brief introduction from the candidates.

The Board also approved motions for funding to the Cycling Club and Improv! Club.

The Cycling Club’s request for funding was approved for a total amount of $694, after removing an $80 nonspecific transport fee and a applying 10% deduction for not having the budgetary information in on time. The request was to fund transportation costs, supplies, and entrance fees for the club.

The Improv! Club’s request for funding was approved for $227. The funds are budged primarily for use in advertising and appetizers for events.

The Improv! Club meets Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in old University Union lobby and welcomes all students. The group plans use the funds for an improv themed costume party around Halloween.

The Board also voted to approve the AFSCME/SGA Vendor agreement for the 2013-2014 academic year at a 2.5% sales commission and to approve the student conference grant guidelines.

The student conference grant guidelines were established last year but needed amended, explained Student Government Association Vice President of Financial Affairs Abby Schon.

“Instead of a first come first serve basis, we’re giving the student conference grant a deadline where you have to turn in your application by a certain date so that we can review all of the applications we receive and allocate the money accordingly rather than just getting them one by one,” Schon said.

The Student Government will potentially award up to $500 to an organization applying under the grant guidelines. “Another change we added is that it’s case by case basis… If our budget is smaller, we may not be able to give that $500.” Schon explained.

Also as part of the changes, any amount of money that is still in the student conference grant fund will stay in that fund, not move to the budgetary reserves for the following year.

Requests for funding must follow SGA and SRU policies and following the conference, organizations will be required to give 15-20 minute open presentation in which all members of the organization that attended the conference are present. “It is a legitimate presentation. We want to get the most out of what they learned at the conference; not just a few bullets.” Schon said of the presentation time.

Michael Funyak spoke during open forum about a “preinitiative” seeking approval $7,000 to cover league fees for three teams. “We’re trying to get on the agenda for two weeks from now;” explained Funyak “it’s for a great cause and to represent the University in a great way.”

The meeting adjourned at 1:18 p.m.


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