Necessity for new faith-based student organization questioned

The Well CCO is the eighth organization approved by the SRSGA with religious ties

Published by Mac Bell, Date: February 10, 2022

The Slippery Rock Student Government Association (SRSGA) met at the Smith Student Center (SSC) on Monday and approved its eighth faith-based student organization after some discussion regarding its necessity.

Sen. Rebekah Froehlich motioned to approve the new organization called The Well CCO, which is sponsored by Grove City Alliance Christian Church.

Following the motion, President Mia Graziani asked if anyone had questions or comments on the motion and Sen. Gabriel Stiles raised his hand to speak.

“What makes this organization different from the other catholic and christian organizations here?” Stiles asked.

Froehlich explained how The Well CCO differs from the current faith-based organizations on campus thus far.

“Essentially the difference between them as a christian organization is that they’re working with a different church,” Froehlich explained. “So, that’s what makes them different than other organizations that are working with different churches.”

Froehlich went on to say that SRSGA has set a precedent of approving faith-based organizations, and that they could not deny their approval since The Well CCO has met all the requirements.

The motion passed even with Stiles, who was joined by Senators Janessa Hayward, Madeline Smith and Amanda Brock, voting against. Senators Rose Resnick and Makenzie Shiller, as well as Vice Presidents Alexis Gish and Aiden Donnelly abstained from the vote.

Speaker of the Senate, Hannah D’Egidio motioned to approve $1,370.92 for The Harbor following an error in the distribution of funds which left the organization with nothing in their account this semester.

Vice President of Finance Sydney Rezzetano then spoke to the motion.

“So they currently have $0 in their budget,” Rezzetano explained. “There are some expenses they have already incurred and they’re asking to be refunded for, as well as money for the spring 2022 semester.”

After some discussion on how the budget mishap occurred, the motion passed unanimously.

Sen. Christopher Dang motioned to approve $388 for Club Baseball in order for the organization to cover club dues.

The motion was passed unanimously with no debate.

SRSGA also approved the confirmation of Rebecca George as the College of Business Senator and Madison Moore as the College of Health, Engineering, and Science (CHES) Senator.

The new senators were previously elected as At Large Senators, but transferred to new roles in order to fill the colleges-specific positions.

Those motions also passed unanimously with no debate.

The SRSGA approved the minutes from Jan. 24.

The SRSGA plans to hold its next formal meeting on Feb. 21 at 5 p.m. at the SSC Theater. For more information visit their CORE page.


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