1/20/22 Blotter

Published by , Date: January 20, 2022

January 14 – Police conducted a traffic stop on Keister Road of a vehicle sitting in the roadway. The driver was transported to Butler Memorial Hospital for suspected DUI. Charges are pending.

January 16 – Police received a call from Butler County 911 informing them that an ambulance was dispatched for an individual in need of medical attention at Building F. The person was transported by EMS to Grove City Medical Center.

January 16 – University Police responded to Building E after receiving a call from a CA who reported a highly intoxicated person in the lobby. Police arrived and transported one person to the Student Health Center, where an ambulance was dispatched. Lucas Culan, 18, was charged with underage possession of alcohol and carrying false identification, both are summary offences.

January 17 – University Police responded to a call at Watson Hall for a person having an allergic reaction. EMS and University Police arrived on scene and the person was then transported to Grove City Medical Center.

January 17 – University Police responded to a fire alarm at Building E, the cause of the activation is unknown and Safety was notified.

January 17 – Police received a call from a CA in Building F for a possible alcohol violation. The officer on scene made contact with the residents but no alcohol was found. No further action was taken.

January 18 – Police responded to a fire alarm at Building D which was set off by burnt stir fry. The alarm systems were reset.

January 18 – Police responded to a fire alarm at the Maltby Center. Officers on scene checked the building but the cause of activation is unknown. Safety was notified and the alarm was reset.

January 18 – Police responded to a fire alarm at Rock Apartment #4 which was set off by burnt food. The alarm system was reset.

January 19 – Police received a request from Maintenance to assist with traffic due to a snowplow that got stuck on the side of Harmony Road. Traffic was stopped until the truck was pulled out.

January 19 – University Police received a call from an individual attempting to reach their grandson. After further investigation, police determined the individual was confused by a previously received voicemail. A parent notified the police that all was well and nobody was missing.

January 19 – Police responded to a fire alarm at Rock Apartment #6 which was set off by burnt food. The alarm system was reset.

January 19 – Police responded to a report of a streetlight on fire at the Central Loop. Officers arrived on scene and noticed no fire but the snow at the base of the streetlight was blackened. The area was cordoned off and Maintenance was notified.

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Mac Bell is a senior communication major with a concentration in converged journalism and a minor in political science. This is his first semester with The Rocket as assistant news editor. Aside from The Rocket, Mac is also busy serving as the president of WSRU-TV, working as the executive producer of a new hit production called “Butler Business Now." Mac hopes to become a news anchor for a news station in the Harrisburg area and serve his local community.


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