Blotter 10/28/21

Published by Joe Wells, Date: October 28, 2021

October 21 – Police received a call from a CA in Building B for an individual who wanted to report harassment. The victim spoke with police and stated they wanted the incident documented but they did not want to pursue any charges. An incident report was taken by the responding officer and the victim was informed of all their available resources.

October 21 – University police assisted in attempting to locate an individual on Cornish Drive.

October 22 – Police responded to a fire alarm activation in ROCK Apartment #6. The alarm was found to be set off by burnt eggs and the system was reset.

October 22 – The Student Health Center called to report an assault that allegedly occurred on Oct. 1.

October 22 – Police responded to a vehicle accident at the Student Union commuter parking lot. An individual was backing out of a parking space and hit another vehicle. Both drivers exchanged information and no further police action was taken.

October 22 – A CA reported the smell of marijuana coming from a dorm room in North Hall. The responding officer contacted the residents but no odor was present and no contraband was found. No further police action was taken.

October 22 – A person came to the University Police Station to file a hit-and-run report that may have occurred between 12:30 p.m. and 3:20 p.m. in the Physical Therapy parking lot. The security video was reviewed and it was determined the person’s vehicle was not damaged in the lot. No further police action was taken.

October 22 – Police responded to a fire alarm activation in Building F. The alarm was set off by steam from the shower and the system was reset.

October 22 – Police received a call stating that an individual’s friend wanted to harm themselves in their dorm in Building E. An officer contacted the person in need and an ambulance was dispatched to transport them to Butler Memorial Hospital.

October 22 – University police responded to a complaint of loud noises coming from Building B. There was no noise upon the officer’s arrival but the officer talked with an individual who stated he was playing music earlier. No further police action was taken.

October 23 – Police responded to a fire alarm activation in ROCK Apartment #6. The alarm was set off by a person running their humidifier and the system was reset.

October 23 – A CA in Watson Hall called to report the smell of marijuana coming from a dorm room. An officer spoke with residents, but no contraband was found. No further police action was taken.

October 24 – While on patrol, an officer noticed several letters missing from the Smith Student Center sign. After reviewing the security videos the persons were identified and charges are pending.

October 24 – Police responded to a fire alarm activation in Building A. The alarm was set off by burnt toast and the system was reset.

October 24 – A CA called to report the smell of marijuana coming from a dorm in Building B. When an officer arrived, there was no odor. The officer did report to have found the missing letters from the Smith Student Center that were noticed to be missing earlier and the case is under investigation.

October 25 – An individual came to the University Police Station to report a hit-and-run that may have occurred on October 20 on Rock Pride Drive. The case is under investigation.

October 25 – Police booted a vehicle in the Lower Stadium C parking lot. About 30 minutes later, they received a call to have the boot removed.

October 25 – University Police responded to a fire alarm activation in ROCK Apartment #6. The alarm was set off by burnt food and the system was reset.

October 26 – Police responded to a fire alarm activation in Building D. The alarm was set off by a diffuser and the system was reset.

October 26 – University Police responded to a fire alarm activation in Building E. The alarm was set off by burnt popcorn and the system was reset.

October 26 – Police responded to a fire alarm activation in Building F. The alarm was set off by burnt toast and the system was reset.

October 26 – Police responded to a fire alarm activation in ROCK Apartment #3. The officer spoke to the residents, but it is unknown what set the alarm off. The system was reset

October 27 – University Police and Safety responded to a supervisory alarm on the third floor of Miller Auditorium. The alarm was set off by a contractor working on the system.

October 27 – Slippery Rock Borough Police requested assistance with a possible domestic disturbance. University Police arrived on the scene in Midway Alley where one person was being detained by two others. The two individuals had witnessed a theft and were holding the alleged suspect. Borough police arrested the suspect.

October 27 – University police responded to a fire alarm at the ROCK Apartment #1. The cause was burnt food and the alarm system was reset.

October 27 – Police responded to a fire alarm at Building E. The alarm was set off by an e-cigarette. The student was referred to Student Conduct and the alarm system was reset.

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Joe is a senior communication major with concentrations in converged journalism and digital media production. This is his second year with The Rocket and first as the news editor. With a penchant for asking tough questions, his byline can be found on more than 100 articles for The Rocket including many breaking news and investigative pieces. During the hours he’s not wearing the hat of student journalist, he spends his time as a husband, father and dog owner in Slippery Rock.


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