SGA cuts organizations’ budgets


On Monday, the Slippery Rock Student Government Association (SRSGA) unanimously approved a revised student activities budget, reducing funds for recognized organizations by 50%.

The reduction in the budget was proposed in order to bring it in line with the reduced fees being collected this semester. The SRU university Board of Trustees approved a reduction over the summer due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The reduction brings the total budget to $1.25 million for the fiscal year and will cut club budgets to 50% across the board.

Vice President of Finance Nate Desing said SRU athletics accounts for an estimated 34% of the student activities budget and would see a reduction in their budget as well. This semester, university athletics were put on hold, but seem likely to return in the spring.

Desing added that organizations that have budgeted money tied up in frozen travel accounts would have that taken into consideration when reducing budgets. The university banned all non-essential travel due to the pandemic.

Organizations can request additional funds through the SRSGA, according to President Joey Scuito. Those requests would have to be approved by the senate.

The Senate also approved new guidelines for organizations with self-support accounts. The new rules ban organizations from having accounts with off-campus institutions.

Organizations who do not comply with the new rules may face disciplinary actions including funding and activity suspensions. Desing clarified that the ban does not include third-party apps like Venmo which are used for processing payments.

Desing also announced that organizations can apply for conference grants from now until the end of the semester. Those grants must be used for virtual conferences only and organizations must show that the conference is in line with their mission.

The SRSGA approved three conference grants. Rock Catholic and Music Therapy both received $500 and Pro Bono Physical Therapy was approved for $50.

The Senate also approved two more organizations to be recognized by the SRSGA – Multi-Disciplinary Arts Collective and Tau Beta Sigma Sorority. The approval of the two groups brings the total number of organizations approved this year to five.

Vice President of Outreach Amanda Reilly said the movies events over Halloween weekend went off with much success.

According to Reilly, 19 students came out to celebrate Day of the Dead with 39 out the following night for Halloween.

The executive board also recognized Sen. Laken Draksler as the ROCK of the Week. Vice President Alexis Gish said Draksler was crucial with in helping the SRSGA compile voting information for the body to disseminate to students before the election.

SRSGA will host their next formal meeting Nov. 16 at 5 p.m. on Zoom.

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Joe is a senior communication major with concentrations in converged journalism and digital media production. This is his second year with The Rocket and first as the news editor. With a penchant for asking tough questions, his byline can be found on more than 100 articles for The Rocket including many breaking news and investigative pieces. During the hours he’s not wearing the hat of student journalist, he spends his time as a husband, father and dog owner in Slippery Rock.


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