Evening Happy Bus route returns next year

Published by adviser, Author: Amber Cannon - Asst. News Editor, Date: April 9, 2015

SGA approved the 2015-2016 shuttle budget, which included the continuation of the evening route of the Happy Bus during daylight savings hours at their regular senate meeting Monday.

Wendy Leitera, SRSRA Inc. Business Manager said the decision was made to keep the evening route of the Happy Bus running during daylight savings hours only so the senate can stay within the budget. The total cost of the shuttle budget is $226,115.60. Leitera also said the ridership of the evening route has declined significantly since spring break.

Vice President of Campus Outreach, Jared Stanley said if the senate would have advertised appropriately, the ridership would have been consistent.

“I think that it really hurt us starting it in the middle of the semester,” Stanley said. “I feel like it was just really hard to get the word out about it, but if freshmen knew more about it right off the bat, it would have been more successful.”

Brad Kovaleski, center for student involvement and leadership director and SGA advisor, Brad Kovaleski mentioned how disappointed he was that there wasn’t a full ticket running for election next year. He urged students to run for senate if they ever had a desire to be in SGA.

SGA approved the resubmitted budgets for clubs and organizations for the 2015-2016 academic year. The budgets reached a total of amount $32,572.29, which was reviewed and recommended by the Finance Committee.

SGA President, Katie Hill urged students to vote for Rocky on Twitter and Facebook for the Mascot Madness award, which ended Tuesday morning.  Hill, speaking on behalf of Dr. Itzi Meztli, SGA APSCUF representative, reminded students to attend the “Meet and Greet Lunch Rally”, which happened on April 9 during common hour. Commuter Senator, Cody Moody informed students about the WRSU’s “About Class Spring Showcase”, which will be held on April 27 in the Robert M. Smith Student Center Theater. The event will showcase 14 different musical acts as well as a comedian. 

The senate tabled the motion of adopting their 2015 constitution for their next informal meeting. The senate also tabled the motion of adopting their 2015 by-laws.

Sister to Sister was granted $300 to help pay for yoga instructors for their ‘Yoga after Dark’ events that will be held during finals week. SGA approved the SRU Investment and Trading Club and the Bookworms Club as recognized organizations on campus. 

Freshman Senator, Mattie Morgan was named “liter of the week”.

The next meeting will take place April 20 at 8:45 p.m. in the theater of the Robert M. Smith Student Center. 


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