Ask Andi

Published by adviser, Author: Andi - Rocket Contributor, Date: April 8, 2015



Dear Andi,

I have my first big job interview lined up for next week (hooray!), but while I’m so excited, I’m seriously nervous for it.  I’ve been practicing some interview questions that I remember being asked while on interviews in the past, and I was thinking of getting some help from my friends to prepare for it too.  That being said, no matter how much preparation I’ve been able to get in so far, I feel sick just thinking about it.  Do you have any advice for how I should handle my nerves for my interview, or another way to prepare for it?


Real World Ready?


Dear Real World Ready?,

Congratulations! That is super exciting but also super nerve-racking at the same time! Interviews are scary to me too, so I totally understand being nervous. I haven’t found any one thing that works for me, but the best thing you can do is just prepare as much as possible. This is the same kind of situation as a test. If you go in and you’ve studied all of the material over and over you shouldn’t be as nervous (or at least that’s what I would like to hope). I also like to remember that nervous and panicky feeling you get is just your body’s way of preparing for the situation. Your body knows that something is going to happen, so that feeling of anxiety is your brain kicking into hyper mode to respond, and have you be prepared. Your heart actually starts to race so that blood can be pumped through your body faster, and more oxygen can get to your brain so you can think quicker and more clearly. How awesome is the body?! So maybe next time when you feel those sweaty palms and your heart is racing, just take a deep breath and remember that those feelings are just your body’s way of preparing you. Also, just remember that all you can do is go in there and be honest. If the person doesn’t like you, then maybe that isn’t the right job for you.

I hope it goes well and try your best not to be too nervous. Nerves are good, but letting them control the situation is bad!

Best of luck!



Dear Andi,

So I met this guy at a bar last weekend. He seems very nice and he asked for my number at the bar and forgetting to give him my decoy, I gave him mine. And huge surprise… He texted me the next day. We have talked a little, and again he seems nice. Problem is, he wants to hang out, and that was literally what the first text he sent me was about. I’m going out of the country for a month on Friday and I explained I don’t have time this week (which is 100 percent true). But his response was, ‘well a month isn’t that long, I can wait.’ We met for legit 30 semi-drunken minutes and he’s gonna wait a month to go on a date with me? It just seems odd. Part of me is like, that’s sweet, but the majority of me is thinking whoa buddy, chill. Should I run for the hills or is this normal?


Drunken like-ish sort of not really 


Dear Drunken like-ish sort of not really,

Well, I’ll be honest. I wouldn’t consider this normal. It’s not completely ridiculous though. A month really isn’t that long, ultimately. If I were you, I would take this interaction lightly, only because so much can happen within this next month. He might say this now and want to hang out, and then a month from now never talk to you again. You really never know. It does sound like he is a little desperate though. Going from meeting each other and barely knowing each other to immediately asking to go out on a date. Our societal norm is to text and get to know each other first, but maybe he just doesn’t follow the norm. I would say if he texts you in a month, maybe trying talking to him a little and see what he’s about. If a month goes by and he doesn’t text you, even better then. At this point though, I wouldn’t worry about this situation too much. You have a big adventure ahead of you and you can deal with this (awkward) situation when you return. 

Have a nice trip! Safe travels and I hope this guy from the bar does not end up being an issue.



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