Ask Andi

Published by adviser, Author: Andi - Rocket Contributor, Date: September 25, 2014


Dear Andi,

To simply put this, I am broke. Coming to college has emptied my pockets. I think I want to get a job but I’m unsure of juggling school and a job. Should I be poor and get good grades or get a job and have no free time?

Broke and Studious


Dear Broke and Studious, 

To simply put this, we are all broke. College tends to drain the pockets of many college students. I know many people who juggle having a job and school work (and sometimes a bunch of other things). What you can do just depends on your time management skills and your priorities. If having money is important to you, then finding a way to balance your time is in your future. If you would rather focus on studies and feel that having a job would have a negative effect on your grades, then don’t get a job. My best advice is: you can always try getting a job and then if it doesn’t work just quit! There is nothing wrong with trying it out for a little.




Dear Andi,

I’m having a hard time making friends. I thought it’d be easier to make friends in college but I don’t feel like I fit anywhere. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. 

Friendless Wanderer


Dear Friendless Wanderer

Making friends is never easy. That probably sounds super negative but I’m saying it to reassure you. We all face that problem at some point or another. The best way to make friends, which I’ve found from experience, is to find things your passionate about and then find others who share the same passion. You can find others who share common interests with you by joining a club or organization on campus that fits your passion. You know everyone is there for (probably) the same reason as you so starting a conversation won’t be hard. Start a conversation about your common interests and then go from there. Then maybe ask if they’d want to get a quick lunch some time, or dinner after the meeting. Just ask! You never know what could happen! Just don’t be shy. Hope this works out for you!




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