How To Prepare for a Spring Break Road Trip

Published by Partnered Content, Date: March 23, 2021
How To Prepare for a Spring Break Road Trip

While it’s disappointing that a spring break trip just isn’t in the cards for the second year in a row, there is hope on the horizon that the pandemic will wind down in time for next year’s spring break. So, to help make up for missing two spring breaks, let’s figure out how to prepare for a spring break road trip so that your break is free of stress and problems on the road.

Preparing Your Car

Before you hit the road, you’ll want to make sure your car is in tip-top condition to ensure it runs smoothly and to prevent mechanical failures from disrupting your vacation. This includes going through some simple maintenance. Hand washing your car and giving it a fresh coat of wax will keep it clean of dirt, grime, and debris that could damage or rust it—especially the undercarriage, which is the most exposed to debris on the road. Wax—or, if you can make the investment, a ceramic coating—is good ways to detail your car and add a protective layer from the sun’s UV rays . It can also help protect your car from damage caused by the elements.

Prepare Necessary Documents

Depending on where you plan to go, make sure you have the necessary documents required to avoid major holdups in your trip. This includes the basics such as a driver’s license and insurance cards, but if you plan to pass into Canada or Mexico, you’ll want to ensure everyone has their passports to avoid trouble at the borders.

Create a Packing List

Nothing is worse than being in the middle of a road trip and realizing you forgot something important. Create a list of necessities and amenities you want to bring along with you so that you can take careful stock of what you have. This will be a huge stress reliever later on since you don’t have to second guess yourself or worry you may have forgotten something while you’re on the road. Once you start worrying, it’s difficult to get it out of your head, and that sure isn’t fun when you’re trying to enjoy the drive.

Keep First Aid on Hand

Always plan for the unlikely when figuring out how to prepare for a spring break road trip. Just in case someone is injured on the way, having first aid on hand will be crucial. Even if you still need to get to a hospital, a first aid kit will help buy time to get there without the injury getting worse.


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