SGA approves new Clay Target Club

Published by adviser, Author: Catie Clark - Assistant News Editor, Date: February 7, 2013

The Slippery Rock Student Government Association approved the Clay Target Club as a new student organization Monday.

Alaina Piazza, a representative from the club, said they want to encourage participation in clay sports, and wants to participate in a collegiate level sport club.

According to Piazza, once the club is fully formed, they can join a league like the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and shoot at collegiate level competitions.

Dr. John Buttermore, Professor of Business and Faculty Advisor to the Clay Target Club, is a certified instructor and a member of the Clay Target Association.

Buttermore said that they hope to join at a level someday to compete with 40 or 50 teams in a league, as diverse as Harvard and Morehead University.

The Clay Target Club plans to practice at Castlewood Rod & Gun Club of New Castle, and are willing to handle training for interested students with and without any previous experience.

According to Buttermore, the club applied for and received a $10,000 grant from Midway USA, but can only access five percent, or $500, per year.

“The grant will help to support our club over the course of the next 20 years,” Buttermore said.

SGA also passed a motion to request the Council of Trustees to change the name of the “General Service Fee” to the “Student Activity Fee”.

Vice President of Financial Affairs, Ben Motyl, said that the fee is what SRSGA uses to give to clubs that apply for a budget each year.

“The purpose of the name change will be to promote what SGA is actually using the money for,” Motyl said. “Eleven PASSHE schools already have similar names.”

Dave Wolfe, President of SGA, said they have to go through the process to submitting the formal request to the Council of Trustees.

“It’s not the law, but it is standard protocol for things regarding fees,” Wolfe said.

Two proclamations were approved at Monday evening’s meeting as well.

The first proclamation was to thank Provost Williams for his service at Slippery Rock University.

The second proclamation was directed at welcoming Provost Way to Slippery Rock University.


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