SGA approves new clubs, adding more opportunities to get involved

Published by adviser, Author: Logan Campbell - Asst. News Editor, Date: September 21, 2016

The Slippery Rock Student Government Association approved five new clubs Monday night, which gives students more chances to get involved on campus and find an organization that fits them.

After the approval of four new clubs two weeks ago and the five new ones this week, that adds nine new clubs/organizations for students to get involved in.

The five newly approved clubs are Spontaneous Acts of Random Kindness (SPARK), Outdoor Recreation Club, Chinese Club, Create Opportunities and Reach Excellence (CORE), and Table Tennis Club.

SGA also approved four other new business items before the approval of the new clubs.

Rachel Lawler was sworn in as the Parliamentarian for SGA after a vote by the senate.

Additionally, SGA approved funding for three campus organizations.

The Film Society will use its $798.19 for equipment such as cameras and microphones, which they are lacking, a society representative said.

Roxy, which is a student-run magazine similar to SLAB, will use its $800 for their next upcoming issue and to give students more opportunities to get involved, a Roxy staff member said.

The KINGS Organization will use its $180 for supplies such as chess boards and pieces to further develop their members, a club representative said.

SGA President Logan Steigerwalt addressed the senate and student body in attendance about the upcoming Council of Trustees meeting this Friday.

“They deal with academic and student affairs, projects, budgets, and they are the individuals that figure out the President of Universities,” Steigerwalt said. “It’s open to students, and I highly encourage anyone to go.”

Dr.Patrick Burkhart addressed those in attendance and reassured everyone that the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF) only wants the greater good.

“APSCUF stands for quality, and I ask you all to truly believe it,” Burkhart said.

The next SGA meeting is scheduled for October 4 at 8:45 p.m. in the Smith Student Center Theater, due to fall break.


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