SGA incorporates Student Success Committee, passes budget

Published by adviser, Author: Chris Gordon - Assistant News Editor, Date: March 29, 2016

Slippery Rock’s Student Government Association (SGA) incorporated the Student Success Committee (SSC) as an ad hoc committee and approved a $1,933,023 2016-2017 student activity budget at their Monday night meeting.

The SSC, which was created in response to the SRU administration’s controversial proposal to move underrepresented student groups from the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership (CSIL) to the University Union once it is remodeled and rebranded the “Student Success Center,” will gain legitimacy from the incorporation, Wendy Leitera, SGA’s business manager, said.

“This will help get the word out for this important cause and help the committee gain more support,” she said.

An ad hoc committee is a group that is created to address a specific set of issues, Michael Farah, SGA’s vice president of finance, said, adding that the SSC will now give reports at SGA meetings.

The SSC has encouraged open dialogue with administration officials, notably President Cheryl Norton, and has advocated for transparent governance and a democratic management style, Farah added.

SGA’s 2016-2017 student activity budget was approved after several weeks of planning by the finance committee, with some members, notably Commuter Senator Sophia Sarver, putting over 100 hours in toward its completion, SGA President Logan Steigerwalt said.

Despite ending next year with fewer reserves, the new budget resembles many past plans, in which 34 percent of funds are devoted to athletics, Farah added.

Additionally, SGA awarded $23,252.60 to three student organizations, all of which are headed to competitions.

In-Line Hockey was given $11, 183.60 for travel expenses, lodging and entrance fees.

The Bass Anglers Fishing Team was given $6,740 to cover transportation costs.

Goal Ball Club received $5,329 for similar expenses.  A club member added that next year’s national competition may be hosted at SRU.

SGA also recognized the Association of Information Technology Professionals SRU Student Chapter as a club Monday night.

The group, which has around 30 students interested in joining, will aim to network with IT professionals and bring relevant programming to SRU, a club representative said.

SGA Parliamentarian Rachel Lawler announced that campaigning for next year’s SGA has begun and that the presidential debate will tentatively be held on April 7 during common hour.

Voting will tentatively end on April 11 and winners will be announced April 12, she added.

Former SRU administrator and historian Robert Watson attended Monday’s meeting and said he’s proud of what SGA has done.

“You’re all bright young men and women,” he said.  “Follow your convictions and always, always communicate well.”

The next SGA meeting will be held on April 11 at 8:45 p.m. in the Smith Student Center Theater.


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