The Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance (FMLA) hosted an “Equal Pay Day” bake sale on Tuesday during common hour to bring awareness to the wage gap in the U.S.
FMLA is an organization that promotes gender equality, feminism and brings attention to women both on campus and globally, Amanda Salvia, PR chair of FMLA and junior creative writing major, said.
Cara Luff, a freshman healthcare administration and management major and event chair of FMLA said that feminism is “the social, political and economic equality of the sexes.”
“Our mission is to spread the word of gender equality,” Salvia said.
The organization decided to have a bake sale to make it known to the community that women are paid less than men and also women of color are paid significantly less than both white men and women, Salvia said.
Not only was the bake sale intended to spread awareness on campus but it was also hosted to raise money for a victim outreach intervention center, VOICe, in Butler.
FMLA works extensively with VOICe and half of the proceeds went to the center.
The organization does other events throughout the year including Take Back the Night, which brings awareness to sexual assault on campus, and the Vagina Monologues.
They are hoping to bring even more events to campus next year and to keep doing what they’re doing because they have the budget for it, Luff said.
FMLA got some backlash from people on social media and also threatening emails when they announced they were doing the wage gap bake sale, Salvia said.
Some people think that the wage gap is a myth, Salvia said. It is a big factor that brings and keeps women down.
Luff explained that they found an article stating that the projected wage gap will close in 43 years, but that it wasn’t soon enough for them.
FMLA found research that says for every dollar men make, a woman will only make 80 cents to that dollar, Luff said. There are plenty of statistics out there proving that the wage gap is real.
Salvia explained that if anyone had any questions regarding the subject, they were more than welcome to ask questions and have a conversation at the bake sale.
The bake sale took a couple months to plan out completely, Salvia said. The group had to design and distribute posters, figure out who was going to bake and sit and also prepare information about the wage gap for anyone that stopped by.
FMLA sold roughly $100 at the bake sale, so the organization figured about 100 people stopped, Luff said.
“Feminism is for everyone and it is not dangerous; we are not trying to oppress men, we just want equality,” Salvia said.
Feminism is a scary word for some, but if people came to a single meeting, they would gain a better understanding of the organization, Luff said.
“We are here and we are not going to go anywhere,” Luff said.
Not only do women’s advocates employ sophistry regarding the gender earnings gap, but they also strategically ignore women’s advantages:
In general, American women don’t just enjoy better health and live longer than men, who on average die sooner and at a higher rate of the 12 leading causes of death. (That longevity gap has more than doubled in the U.S. since 1900.) They as a group also control most of the consumer spending, which is about 70% of all economic activity in the US.
Even more striking, women control most of the nation’s wealth. “Seventy-six percent of Americans believe that men control more wealth than women. But a new survey of Federal Reserve Board data reveals that women actually control 51.3% of personal wealth in the United States.”
Soon women will control an even greater percentage of the wealth.
“Over the next decade, women will control two thirds of consumer wealth in the United States and be the beneficiaries of the largest transference of wealth in our country’s history. Estimates range from $12 to $40 trillion. Many Boomer women will experience a double inheritance windfall, from both parents and husband.” -
The typical wife is younger than her husband by 2.5 years and she outlives him by five. Thus she enjoys her and her husband’s wealth 7.5 years longer than the husband, who much more often than she created their wealth alone.
To put these statements in the proper gender perspective, reverse the sexes in them:
In general, men don’t just live longer than women (that longevity gap has more than doubled since 1900) and enjoy better health than women, who on average die sooner and at a higher rate of the 12 leading causes of death. They as a group also control most of the consumer spending and most of the nation’s wealth. Soon they will control even more.
Just by themselves, the statements would signify enough unfair male power, privilege, and advantage that feminists would explode out onto the streets in visceral, thunderous protest.
Women are hardly the oppressed group that the Democrats want us to think women are — the group that is actually the longer-living, healthier, AND wealthier group.
On the sophistry regarding the gender wage gap:
“Salary Secrecy — Discrimination Against Women?”
Not only do women’s advocates employ sophistry regarding the gender earnings gap, but they also strategically ignore women’s advantages:
In general, American women don’t just enjoy better health and live longer than men, who on average die sooner and at a higher rate of the 12 leading causes of death. (That longevity gap has more than doubled in the U.S. since 1900.) They as a group also control most of the consumer spending, which is about 70% of all economic activity in the US.
Even more striking, women control most of the nation’s wealth. “Seventy-six percent of Americans believe that men control more wealth than women. But a new survey of Federal Reserve Board data reveals that women actually control 51.3% of personal wealth in the United States.”
Soon women will control an even greater percentage of the wealth.
“Over the next decade, women will control two thirds of consumer wealth in the United States and be the beneficiaries of the largest transference of wealth in our country’s history. Estimates range from $12 to $40 trillion. Many Boomer women will experience a double inheritance windfall, from both parents and husband.” -
The typical wife is younger than her husband by 2.5 years and she outlives him by five. Thus she enjoys her and her husband’s wealth 7.5 years longer than the husband, who much more often than she created their wealth alone.
To put these statements in the proper gender perspective, reverse the sexes in them:
In general, men don’t just live longer than women (that longevity gap has more than doubled since 1900) and enjoy better health than women, who on average die sooner and at a higher rate of the 12 leading causes of death. They as a group also control most of the consumer spending and most of the nation’s wealth. Soon they will control even more.
Just by themselves, the statements would signify enough unfair male power, privilege, and advantage that feminists would explode out onto the streets in visceral, thunderous protest.
Women are hardly the oppressed group that the Democrats want us to think women are — the group that is actually the longer-living, healthier, AND wealthier group.
On the sophistry regarding the gender wage gap:
“Salary Secrecy — Discrimination Against Women?”