11/14/19 Blotter

Published by Allison Downs, Date: November 14, 2019

November 7 – Police received a call from custodial staff at Vincent Science Center stating that an individual was inside the building after hours for the third day in a row. The responding officer made contact, identified the individual and was told they are not permitted in the building after hours.

November 7 – University police responded for a vehicular accident that occurred in the Advanced Technology and Science Building Circle by the flag pole. No injuries were reported and vehicles were drivable. The drivers exchanged information. The accident was deemed non-reportable and no further police action was taken.

November 7 – University police received a call for a vehicular accident on West Lake Lane. An officer responded at the scene, no injuries were reported and both vehicles were drivable. Information was exchanged and no further police action was taken.

November 7 – Police received a call for a vehicular accident on Kiester Road. No injuries were reported and vehicles were drivable. Information was exchanged and no further police action was taken.

November 7 – Police received a call from a CA at Building B reporting an alcohol violation involving several individuals in a dorm room. The responding officer made contact and alcohol was found. The case was referred to Student Conduct and no further police action was taken.

November 7 – While police were responding for an alcohol violation at Building B, a CA at the same building reported an upset individual who was yelling, screaming and hitting things. The individual was brought to the CA’s office and officers spoke to them. The individual was upset over a video game that he was playing with a friend. The person was transported by police to the station where police notified their parent. The parent picked up the person and took them home for the evening. No further police action taken.

November 8 – Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) requested backup with a strong-arm robbery at The Grove apartment complex. The victim, a non-student, was “pistol-whipped” and was transported to Grove City Medical Center. University police secured the perimeter of the apartment while PSP gained entry of the apartment. PSP is investigating, and a suspect has been identified. No further action was taken by university police.

November 8 – Police received a report of an individual who was attempting to climb into a first-floor window at Watson Hall. A description was given, but the responding officer was unable to locate the individual. The officer spoke to a CA, and they believed that the individual may have been a resident of the dorm room. The officer knocked at the dorm room and announced themselves, but no one came to the door. The window was closed from the outside of the building.

November 8 – Police were dispatched for an individual who was sleeping or unconscious in a running vehicle for over an hour in West Lake Parking Lot. Responding officers checked the entire lot, but the vehicle was gone-on-arrival.

November 8 – University police received an E-phone activation in an elevator at North Hall, police called a desk attendant to check. No one was around the area, and it appeared to be an accidental activation. No further police action was taken.

November 8 – Police received a call from a CA at Building D stating that they heard persons in a dorm room talking about weed and reading a warning label about THC. The responding officer made contact with the dorm residents, checked the room and found no drugs. The case was unfounded and no further police action was taken.

November 9 – Slippery Rock Borough Police arrived at the station to use the Data Master for a possible DUI.

November 9 – Police were dispatched for a fire alarm activation at Building E. An officer arrived at the scene and no one answered the door. Officer made entry into the dorm room and no one was there. The alarm activation appeared to be a malfunction. A message was left with Health and Safety and the alarm system was reset.

November 9 – A person came into the police station to report that she had been assaulted at Ginger Hill Tavern the previous evening. Borough PD took a report from the person when the assault occurred. The person was advised to contact the reporting Borough officer.

November 9 – University police stopped a motor vehicle for a moving violation on Kiester Road which resulted in drug paraphernalia being located inside the vehicle. Shayne Myers, 18, was cited with a drug violation; Mark Craighead, 19, and Quincy Graham, 18, were cited with disorderly conduct.

November 9 – Police responded for a fire alarm activation at the ROCK Apartments. The alarm was set off by burnt food and was reset.

November 9 – Police responded for a fire alarm activation at Building F. The alarm was set off by burnt food and was reset.

November 9 – Police responded for a fire alarm activation at the ROCK Apartments. The alarm was set off by burnt bacon and was reset.

November 9 – PSP requested backup in response to multiple fights breaking out in the visitors parking lot at University Village. University police responded on scene, three individuals were identified. PSP arrived on scene and took over the investigation. No further action was taken by university police.

November 10 – Police received numerous complaints from a motorist for being charged $10 to park on campus for a cheerleading event at Morrow Field House. The incident is under investigation.

November 10 – Police received an E-phone activation at Morrow Field House. Persons on scene stated that all was okay. A dispatcher reviewed the cameras and all appeared to be okay. The alarm system was reset.

November 10 – Police received a call from a CA at Building E stating that an odor of marijuana was emitting from a dorm room. The responding officer contacted the residents of the room and did not find any drug paraphernalia but did find alcohol. The case was referred to Student Conduct and no further police action was taken.

November 11 – Police received a report of several LGBTQ+ lawn signs that were damaged and a few that were pulled out and thrown in a fenced area behind Patterson Hall. It is unknown when the incident occurred and the case is under investigation.

November 11 – Police were dispatched for a traffic accident on Central Loop that involved a university vehicle. No injuries were reported and both vehicles were drivable. Safety was notified, no further police action was taken.

November 11 – Police responded for a fire alarm activation at the ROCK Apartments. The alarm was set off by burnt bacon and was reset.

November 11 – An individual arrived at the station to report that while they were parked in the Union Commuter Lot, an unknown person(s) slashed their front left tire. The case is under investigation.

November 11 – Police received a call from a Health Center nurse stating they they received a call from an individual at Building E who needed medical assistance. University police contacted the individual, and they were transported to the Health Center.

November 11 – The Health Center called dispatch and requested an ambulance for an individual who needed medical treatment. Emergency medical services arrived on scene and transported the individual to Butler Memorial Hospital.

November 11 – The Health Center called dispatch and requested an ambulance for an individual who needed medical treatment. Emergency medical services arrived on scene and transported the individual to Grove City Medical Center.

November 12 – Police received a fire alarm activation at Building E. The responding officers spoke to residents who stated that the alarm has gone off before for no apparent reason. It appeared to be a malfunction. Safety was notified and no further police action was taken.

November 12 – Police responded for a vehicle on Stadium Drive that had slid into a curb and flattened their tire, causing their air bags to deploy. Officers pushed the vehicle off the curb, and the driver was issued a citation for driving at unsafe speeds.

November 12 – Police received a fire alarm activation at Building E. No one was in the room, and the reason for the activation was unknown. It appeared to be a malfunction. The alarm system was reset.

November 12 – Police received a fire alarm activation at Building E. No one was in the room, and the reason for the activation was unknown. It appeared to be a malfunction. The alarm system was reset and Safety was notified.

November 12 – Police received a call from a CA at Rhoads Hall reporting an odor of marijuana coming from a dorm room. An officer arrived on scene and contacted residents who stated that they were not in possession of marijuana. The residents gave consent to a room search, and no drugs were found. The case was unfounded. No further action was taken by police.

November 13 – Police received a call from a concerned parent they they hadn’t spoke to their child since the previous night. An officer contacted the individual at Building F and all was okay. The parent was notified.

November 13 – Police received a call about an individual who may have needed medical treatment. The person was located at Building F and transported to the Health Center.

November 13 – Police received a missing person report from a parent that hadn’t heard from their child since Nov. 10. Responding officers arrived at the person’s dorm room at North Hall and spoke to roommates when the missing person arrived. An officer asked if all was okay, and the person stated yes and that he was with his parent. No further police action was taken.

November 13 – Police received a call about an individual who may have needed medical treatment. The person was located at Smith Student Center and was transported to the Health Center.

November 13 – Police received a call from a CA at Building D reporting an odor of marijuana coming from a dorm room. An officer arrived on scene, contacted residents and recovered drug paraphernalia. Kylie Garvey, 18, and Vanessa Goodnight, 18, were cited with disorderly conduct.

November 14 – Police received a panic alarm activation at the Health Center. Dispatch contacted the nurse, and she stated that no one activated the alarm. An officer arrived on scene and all appeared to be okay. It appeared to be a malfunction and the alarm was reset. Safety was notified.


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