Petition gains 900 signatures

Published by adviser, Author: Chris Gordon - Assistant News Editor, Date: October 15, 2015

The Harmony Road petition created by Slippery Rock’s Student Government Association received nearly 900 signatures and left the Slippery Rock Township appearing shocked at their Monday night meeting.
The petition was a response to the lack of sidewalks and lighting along Harmony Road, ranging from the intersection of Keister Road to The Grove apartment complex, SGA President Logan Steigerwalt said.
The township reported that they repainted walking lines along Harmony and are looking to install lights at existing electric poles, Steigerwalt said.  The township is also looking for a state-wide grant to build a sidewalk.
Jessica Johnson, SGA’s vice president of student affairs, said that both community members and students were excited about the petition.
“Those who live in the neighborhood further down the road from The Grove were really invested in this idea and are hoping for change,” she said.
However, Johnson said that she is concerned about how long plans for lighting and a sidewalk will take, as winter weather will make the road even more dangerous for students.
“I hope the township can get something in place soon,” she said.
Previously, the township had said their hands were tied due to an ordinance requiring apartment complexes to build sidewalks leading to their properties, Steigerwalt said.
However, the ordinance was passed after the construction of The Grove, leaving Harmony without a sidewalk, he explained.
In addition to the changes along Harmony, Steigerwalt said the township is considering an ordinance that would give Slippery Rock campus police jurisdiction on roads connecting to campus, allowing for greater enforcement of drunk driving laws.
The township is also working on a response to “mega parties,” such as the University Village’s annual block party, that local apartment complexes regularly host, he said.
“Another thing they asked was that SGA encourage students to walk on the sidewalks leading to the Ivy rather than the road,” Steigerwalt said.
Steigerwalt said he and Johnson attended a township meeting in September to address the issues along Harmony.
“Something needs to be done,” he said.  “This is dangerous.”
The township didn’t offer much at the first meeting, Steigerwalt said, which gave SGA the idea to create the petition.


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