Police Blotter

Published by adviser, Author: The Rocket, Date: November 7, 2013


Oct. 29 – this department received a complaint from an outside agency regarding an Unlawful Restraint complaint. The incident is still open and being investigated.

Nov. 2 – Griffin Mickail, 18, was cited for Underage Consumption and an Open Container violation along South Main Street.

Nov. 2 – Joshua Rectenwald, 21, and Joshua See, 24 years of age were cited for Disorderly House after this department received a complaint about a large, loud party at Stonecrest Apartments.

Nov. 2 – Anthony Gagliani, 20, cited for Public Drunkenness and Disorderly House after being found passed out in the rear yard of another person’s residence along South Main Street.

Nov. 2 – Levi Buck, 23, was cited for Disorderly Conduct and Disorderly House after an incident along Midway Alley.

Nov. 2 – Kelly Rogers, 18, Disorderly House after being found possessing an alcoholic beverage while walking along West Cooper Street.

Nov. 3 – Nathan Ehrlich, 20,  cited for Disorderly House after being found consuming an alcoholic beverage along West Cooper Street.

Nov. 3 – Alyse Evans, 20, was cited for Disorderly House after being found possessing an open bottle of alcohol while walking through the parking lot of Sheetz.

Nov. 3 – Candace Corcoran, 21 years of age was cited for Disorderly House after an alcohol violation near the intersection of Midway Alley and West Cooper Street

Nov. 3 – Mohammad Majeed, 20 years of age was cited for Disorderly House after being found possessing and open container of alcohol along West Cooper Street.

Nov. 4 – This department took a report of a Hit and Run that occurred over the weekend. The victim was visiting a friend on Kelly Blvd. and when she went to her car Sunday, she noticed damage to the rear of her vehicle.



Nov. 1 – Police responded to a report of alcohol violation at Building E. The incident was referred to judicial.

Nov. 1 – The Metis alarm was accidentally tripped in room 007 of Bailey Library.

Nov. 1 – There was a reported theft of an Android cell phone in Spotts.

Nov. 1 – David Galloway, 19, was issued an underage citation when police responded to a report of an intoxicated individual at the health center. Galloway was transported to Grove City Hospital by an ambulance.

Nov. 2 – An individual was issued a citation for expired plates after a traffic stop on Kiester Road.

Nov. 2 – A victim reported being assaulted behind Watson Hall and was transported to the hospital. The case is under investigation and a suspect was obtained by the police.

Nov. 2 – Multiple alarms were tripped in Building F. Nothing was found and the alarms were reset.

Nov. 2 – A child set off the Metis alarm accidentally in the Robert M. Smith Student Center. The alarm was reset.

Nov. 3 – Derrick Fulmore, 18, was issued an underage citation when police responded with a community assistant for an intoxicated individual in their room. There was no response to knocking and when the community assistant keyed in, Fulmore was found on the floor laying next to his own vomit. Fulmore refused an ambulance and was watched by his roommate.

Nov. 3 – Police responded to a request for a welfare check for a student at Rhoads Hall. The student was located, taken to the health center, and referred to student services.

Nov. 3 – Police responded to a medical call at the Smith Student Center. The health center van responded and transported the individual to the health center.

Nov. 3 – An intoxicated female found in her room at Building E was transported to the health center by police and referred to student standards.

Nov. 3 – Police responded to a smoke alarm going off in building E. The alarm was triggered by burnt food and was reset.

Nov. 3 – Police responded to a smoke alarm going off in the R.O.C.K. Apartments. The alarm was triggered by burnt food and was reset.

Nov. 3 – There was a reported theft from a car in the Alumni Commuter Lot.

Nov. 3 –Police responded to a 911 call for a fight taking place at the intermural fields. One student was taken to the hospital and one student left the area. The case remains under investigation.

Nov. 4 – There was a report of possible harassment at Building A. An officer advised actors not to make contact. No other action was taken at this time.

Nov. 4 – There was a report of a drug violation at Watson Hall. Contraband was found and charges are pending.

Nov. 4 – There was a report of a vehicle possibly being hit while parked on campus. The case is under investigation.

Nov. 5 – Police made a welfare check at North Hall. Contact was made and no other action was taken.

Nov. 5 – There was a reported theft of a credit card in the Quad. The incident is under investigation.



Oct. 30 – Eric Turner, 21, of Butler was seen for two counts DUI, careless driving, driving while operating privileges were suspended or revoked, and period for regulating lighted lamps.

Oct. 30 – Jerrit Young, 21, of Butler was seen for use and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Oct. 30 – Matthew Frances, 21, of Moon Township was seen for use and possession of drug paraphernalia, DUI, and careless driving.

Oct. 30 – Brooke Carlson, 20, of Pittsburgh was seen for two counts DUI and for driving at a safe speed.

Oct. 30 – Gavin Wiefling, 23, of Butler was seen for a small amount of personal use of marijuana and for use and possession of drug paraphernalia.


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