Kevin Squires

Published by adviser, Date: August 11, 2014

Many might not think someone majoring in biology would be interested in reporting on the news and, to be honest, upon entering college, I would not have expected that I would even write for the campus newspaper, let alone hold a leadership position. Sometimes, however, life takes us in a different direction than we had planned. Getting involved with The Rocket has been without a doubt one of the best decisions of my college career, and now here I am as the Editor-in-Chief (2014-2015). While holding this position, I aim to bring forth my best effort in maintaining and exceeding the high standards to which The Rocket is held.

Kevin Squires is the Editor-in-Chief for The Rocket and in his fourth year of college. Once he has his degree in biology, Kevin is interested in pursuing graduate school, scientific writing and someday educating others. He is also the president of Beta Beta Beta- the biological honorary, a peer tutor, a member of the honors program and the vice president of Dumbledore’s Army at Slippery Rock University. In his leisure time, Kevin enjoys reading, playing the viola, and finding other nerdy activities to partake in. Kevin is best known for loving pizza and reciting his alphabet backwards in under five seconds.

Follow Kevin on Twitter.

Kevin’s column:  It’s Rocket Science.


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