Tips for Advertising Your School’s Theater Productions

Published by Partnered Content, Date: March 16, 2022
Tips for Advertising Your School's Theater Productions

Theatrical productions are hard work. However, your efforts will pay off if you can attract a huge audience to your performances. Reaching the target audience can be challenging, but these tips for advertising your school’s theater productions can streamline the process.

1. Take Advantage of Social Media

Advertising theater performances on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or similar sites is essentially free. Since more than 80 percent of Americans have a social networking profile, promoting upcoming shows on different social platforms is undoubtedly a great way to kickstart your campaign.

While the social media platforms are free, there’s nothing wrong with pouring some money into advertising if you can. Through paid ads, you can deliver more targeted messages to people likely interested in your theater productions.

2. Run Contests and Giveaways

This is an excellent way to create buzz for your shows and increase your reach. That’s because contests and giveaways encourage social sharing. Or you can design them to achieve that function. For example, for every tweet or share, participants get to earn points for the contest.

Since prizes are involved, you may assume you need to plan extra spending. But that’s not necessary, as you can offer free tickets to your theater plays.

3. Use Printed Materials

Even though printed materials are old-fashioned, they are among the most effective ways to promote your school theater productions. Therefore, consider distributing print ads made from high-quality design materials to learning institutions within your target areas. It also pays to get your promotional posters or flyers featured in hotspots or anywhere in your local area.

4. Don’t Forget Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM)

You can tell people about your shows and events through word of mouth. Yes, WOMM works. More than 64 percent of marketing executives believe telling a friend to tell a friend is the most effective form of advertising.

Encourage everyone involved in the theater production to spread the word to friends, family members, neighbors, social media friends, classmates, and more.

5. Put Your Theater Event on Event Listing Websites

Event listing directories allow you to market your shows to a highly relevant audience. The directories make it easier to narrow down your audience and connect with prospective attendees. There are many free sites. Try to put your theater event on as many listing sites as possible.

We hope these tips for advertising your school’s theater productions help you make a difference. If you struggle to strike the right chord, consider working with a professional marketing strategist for better results.


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