Different Note-Taking Methods To Help You Retain Information

Published by Partnered Content, Date: March 14, 2022
Different Note-Taking Methods To Help You Retain Information

Do you have a huge exam coming up? Your note-taking techniques will determine your success. Even if you aren’t in school, note-taking is a great skill to master. Many positions will require you to take notes.

It may seem like note-taking is a no-brainer. Yet, it turns out there are numerous strategies for taking notes. If your method is to jot down a few key points here and there, you have room for improvement. Stick around to learn different note-taking techniques to help you retain information.

The Outline Method

This method is highly effective for organizing your notes. It involves creating a detailed outline with sub-points for more detail. The outline method will make your points impeccably organized. It will be twice as easy to study and retain the information.

First, select about five main points that the lesson will cover. Underneath these points, create sub-points that fall under each one. That will allow you to go into more detail without ruining your structure.

This method is excellent because it won’t overwhelm you. Instead, you’ll have a detailed outline that’s easy to read. Studying will be a breeze.

The Cornell Method

This method came about in the 1950s at Cornell University. It’s a prevalent technique that shares a lot in common with the outline method. You still lay out five or so key points for the lesson.

The difference lies with the amount of detail you put into each section.

You break each page into three sections. The sections include a narrow ‘cue’ column, a wider column for notes, and a summary at the bottom.

The cue section contains all your main points and potential test questions. The notes section is where you expand upon these points and questions. Lastly, the summary includes a brief rundown of everything on the page.

The Mind Mapping Method

The last technique we’ll cover is the mind mapping method. Here, you create a map to discover how two subjects are related. It’s an ideal method for chemistry, history, philosophy, or any other subject that has many interlocking ideas.

You start with broad ideas and then add sub-concepts to each branch. That could include dates, supporting facts, and other concepts. It doesn’t work for every subject, but it’s a highly effective technique when it does.

Key Takeaways

Strong note-taking methods are one component of how to use a research notebook effectively. There are many different note-taking methods that will help you retain information. The outline method keeps everything nice and organized. The Cornell method expands upon it, and the mind mapping method is excellent for interlocking ideas.


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