Senate amends bylaws

Changes require mental health, diversity training for senators.


The Slippery Rock Student Government Association (SGA) approved two amendments to their bylaws Monday evening which requires additional yearly training for all senators.

The two new rules will require all senators to receive mental health training and they must attend two diversity events in both the fall and spring semesters.

Proposed last month, the amendments are part of initiatives the executive board has been looking to implement since last fall. The amendments were tabled back in February so the body could work out the specific language.

Parliamentarian Grant Warmbein has made it a goal of his to get these requirements in place. Requiring SGA members to partake in mental health training and exposing senators to different diversity events would allow them to be better advocates for all SRU students, he said at the meeting.

“The aspect of having our senators attend two diversity events gives our senators the opportunity to learn more about other aspects of diversity, and to be able to grow with the knowledge and as an individual,” Warmbein said in an email.

Warmbein proposed changes to both amendments to finalize the wording and to clarify some of the members’ confusion about requirements.

According to Warmbein, senators will participate in Kognito, an online-based health training used by education and healthcare organizations. That training is already provided to some student leaders by the Student Support Office.

Along with the two amendments passed, two more amendments were brought to the floor to clarify language regarding GPA requirements.

The bylaws require executive board members and senators to have a 2.75 and 2.5 GPA, respectfully as it reads right now. The amendments clarify the requirement that the GPA standard must be maintained while the student holds their position.

Both of the amendments were tabled to give senators time to review them, an action required by the SRSGA. Both are expected to be approved at the next formal meeting.

The SGA also approved two funding requests for student media before closing out their meeting.

The Senate unanimously approved $120.18 for WSRU-TV. The funding will be used to purchase equipment for field production, including cables and microphone windscreens.

“Getting money from the SGA for this equipment is important, not just for now but in the future,” said Aaron Marrie, WSRU-TV’s president. “I want [the organization] to continue making shows no matter who is in charge.”

A larger request of $14,180.50 was also unanimously approved for WSRU-FM. The money is equal to funding cut by the SGA due to decreased funding for the academic year.

That money will be used to cover fees and expenses for the rest of the semester and allow the radio station to update its music library.

As for the next academic year, Vice President of Finance Nate Desing said student organizations that submitted budgets last week should see that funding approved. The SGA has a $2.5 million budget and it currently appears the budget, which will be approved on March 29, will be under that amount.

The SGA is still accepting applications for its executive board. According to SGA Advisor Lauren Moran, the turnout so far has been high, with every position having at least one candidate. The deadline for application is March 19.

Before elections start on April 5, The Rocket along with WSRU-TV will host an Online Candidate Webinar on March 30. The time of the forum will be announced at a later date.

Last week’s drive-in movie night was rescheduled to March 26. The previous event was canceled due to high winds causing the screen to be unstable. The movie showing and location for the next showing have not been determined.

The SGA has also started planning for Student Safety Week, held April 5-9. According to the Vice President of Student and Academic Affairs Leif Lindgren, the SGA will host events throughout the week along with a campus walk-around on April 7.

The SGA will hold its next formal meeting on March 29 at 5 p.m. on Zoom.

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Joe is a senior communication major with concentrations in converged journalism and digital media production. This is his second year with The Rocket and first as the news editor. With a penchant for asking tough questions, his byline can be found on more than 100 articles for The Rocket including many breaking news and investigative pieces. During the hours he’s not wearing the hat of student journalist, he spends his time as a husband, father and dog owner in Slippery Rock.


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