Vagina Monologues: Real Stories of Real Women

Published by adviser, Author: Stephanie Cheek - Assistant Campus Life Editor, Date: April 24, 2014

“I bet you’re worried!”

This is the first line of the production of the Vagina Monologues preparing the audience for the topic of the night. Vaginas.

Putting on the production of the Vagina Monologues has been a tradition of the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance for several years with the help of the Women’s Studies department, and this year all of those involved in the performance put their own personal spin on the monologues.

“You’re really able to see the women’s individual personalities shine through,” explained Brandy Geist, 22, a senior secondary education English major. Geist explained that she developed a passion for gender issues through the show, and wants to be involved in ending inequalities for women.

“As a feminist, the issues discussed in the show are extremely important to me,” Geist said.

Geist is the President of FMLA, and is performing in two monologues, “The Wear/Say Lists” and “Say It”. A lot of the monologues are true stories that reflect the lives of women from not just the United States but from other countries as well.

“I hope they learn about issues that they’ve never heard of before, such as the experiences of the Japanese comfort women or Bosnian refugees,” Geist explained about some of the more serious monologues.

Some of the monologues are humorous, and some are serious, but they all have one thing in common: women and their vaginas.

“I think it’s a taboo word because female sexuality is taboo. Female physiology is taboo. We live in a society that encourages women to be ashamed or hide their vaginas and their sexuality,” explained the director of this years Vagina Monologue, Elizabeth Tatomirovich.

The show is about education and community, according to Tatomirovich, and it forces the audience to be aware of the difficulties that women face just because of their sex. This show also encourages women to be aware of their own bodies as well.

“Our vaginas are our own. There should be no controversy,” Tatomirovich stated.

Geist agrees that while many think that the show and the concept are controversial, she thinks that there is nothing taboo or controversial about it.

“A woman’s sexuality should never be a source of stigma or shame. The stories told in The Vagina Monologues are experiences of real women,” said Geist regarding the material that is represented.

Along with the educational factor of the show, the fight to end violence against women and girls is another goal that is a huge component of the show.

“Women face atrocities such as rape, domestic violence, sexual abuse, and female genital mutilation. The statistics are staggering. The Vagina Monologues and V-Day campaign works to create a world where women no longer live in fear,” Geist stated.

Geist further explains that there has been a long-standing tradition in history of silencing women’s voices and this is another step in the direction of change.

“I think having discussions and providing education about what it means to be a woman or a female help to end the taboo,” Tatomirovich explained.

Along with the $3 ticket, they are also selling shirts for $10 that say in bold lettering “Vagina Warrior,”  and they are also selling baked goods.

“I’m also making… unique cupcakes for the show,” Geist stated when describing her cupcakes that are decorated to look like vaginas.

All of the proceeds from the show go to directly to two charities that directly impact local women, Butler County VOICe and Lawrence County crisis shelter, according to Geist.

In the end, Tatomirovich explained, that everyone will leave the show with different thoughts and opinions, but hopefully they will stay in their mind.

“It is my hope that the audience will think about the topics we address and make their own conclusions,” Tatomirovich said. “There can’t be one message for everyone, different monologues will affect people differently.” ({})


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