Justin Kraus

Published by adviser, Date: August 26, 2017

I am Justin Kraus and I am the new sports editor for the Rocket. This will be my first year as editor, but my third year contributing for the sports section. I wrote for my high school’s paper, so writing for the Rocket was something that was always on my mind. I put it off until my sophomore year, when I wrote a few articles. I really started contributing my junior year, covering cross country first. Since then, I moved up the ladder covering different sports, before being elected the sports editor last spring. Becoming sports editor was an amazing experience for me to be able to bookend my career at Slippery Rock. I enjoyed covering sports as a contributor greatly, and now I can even further that, and I can’t wait to get started. Being able to meet dozens of players and coaches has not only expanded my world view, but made me more personable and a much better writer. Everyone at the Rocket has outstanding work ethic which makes the paper run smoothly, and it is something I love watching happen. I have to give almost all the credit for where I am to the Rocket’s new Editor in Chief, Cody Nespor. Cody taught me all I would ever need to know to run the sports section and I am forever thankful. Previous Rocket staffers Jordyn Bennett and Ryan Barlow also helped me with so much throughout my years as a contributor, and they are off chasing marvelous careers right now. Last year, our legendary advisor Dr. Zeltner retired after 20+ years on the job, and was fantastic at it. Now with Dr. Fleming at the helm, I am very excited to see where the paper will go in my final year at the Rock, especially with other media being involved like the Rocket Sports report. My assistant, Steve Cukovitch, and I are very excited with the opportunity we have been presented, and we will make the most of it. We, along with our contributors, will make sure we have the most inclusive coverage of sports that SRU has ever seen.


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