Stephen Cukovich

Published by adviser, Date: July 27, 2017

As I enter my fifth semester with The Rocket, I never thought I would be working at the level I am now.  Simply as a fan of sports, I am honored to be Sports Editor for our outstanding school newspaper. Getting to know some of the coaches and players of our many sports on campus has been so amazing and has been a huge learning experience.  I feel I couldn’t have chosen a better professional learning atmosphere here at Slippery Rock to better my career in journalism.

Throughout my time with The Rocket, I have been blessed to be surrounded by wonderful people whom I could learn from.  Sports Editors before me such as Cody Nespor and Justin Kraus have taught me so much in my first two years with The Rocket and I feel I owe it to them to do my best and make the sports section as good as its ever been.  With only one semester left coming into the fall, I look forward to the new people I will meet along the way and all the craziness from the sports about to take place. I will truly miss Slippery Rock once I am gone because the students and faculty here are completely amazing, which will make it hard to say bye to those I have met.


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