Amber Cannon

Published by adviser, Date: August 8, 2014

Most people say that actions speak louder than words, but in my case, it’s the opposite. Writing has always been an outlet for me. Whether it was writing an essay for school or even sending a tweet. I’ve always felt safe in my writing. During my senior year of high school, I was a member of the yearbook staff. It consumed my life. Well, if I’m being honest, yearbook and reading Seventeen Magazine consumed my life.  When high school came to a close, most of my friends were contemplating on what they wanted to do with their lives, but I had no doubt in my mind that I wanted to be a journalist. I started writing for The Rocket during my freshman year. Seeing my first story in print gave me chills. In the beginning, I was very skeptical and nervous about sharing my writing with others. Especially people who knew much more about writing than I did, but after a year and a half of contributing stories for The Rocket, I can definitely see an improvement in my writing. After applying and having the most nerve-racking interview of my life, I am now the Assistant News Editor for The Rocket. This position means more to me than just a regular job on campus. I love what I do, so it doesn’t even feel like a job. I know working for The Rocket is going to open several door for me in the future. Hopefully one of those doors will be a career at Seventeen Magazine. A girl can dream, right?


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