Ask Andi

Published by adviser, Author: Andi - Rocket Contributor, Date: April 2, 2015


Dear Andi,

I’ve been to the bar a few times with my friends, and I keep running into this guy, who I think I’ve actually hit it off with.  He’s the ex-boyfriend of one of my high school classmates, and while I wasn’t friends with her, I feel a little weird talking to him, but maybe that’s because I wasn’t her biggest fan.  My friends said that the next time we run into each other that I should ask him out, but I keep going back to the high school connection.  Do you think that I should let bygones be bygones and ask him out?


High School Romance


Dear High School Romance,

In my opinion there is no reason you shouldn’t talk to this kid. There’s no sense living in the past, worrying about what has already happened and how that can affect your present situation because it really shouldn’t. Leave what’s in the past in the past, and focus on the present. A lot of things change in the years from high school to college so there’s no reason you can’t at least ask him out and see where it goes, right? Let bygones be bygones and ask him out!

I hope it all works out!



Dear Andi,

I can’t wait for this semester to be over.  I have to say that this has been my hardest one yet, with one project and test after the other with little to no break in between everything.  I’m stressed out all the time too, which isn’t something that I’m used to.  Do you have any suggestions for surviving the rest of this semester?  Maybe something that I can do to relieve my stress or a good way to get organized for the last few weeks would be really helpful.


Stressed Out Student


Dear Stressed Out Student,

Oh boy, do I feel you there! This is been one of my busiest and most stressful semester’s as well. Here’s a couple things that I do when I’m feeling overwhelmed:

1. Make a to-do list for the day. If you take it one day at a time it’s a little less stressful because there’s not as much to worry about. I typically wake up in the morning, look at my planner and essentially plan my schedule for the day.

2. When scheduling for the day, work in some down time. Personally, I can’t go straight through the day without a break, so I like to schedule half hour time slots to give my brain some rest time. I need that time to reboot, but if you’re not a person that needs down time, then don’t worry about this step!

3. Be realistic about what you could get done. Don’t schedule 800 meetings for one day and then get stressed out when you can’t make them all. Small and realistic goals will create less stress.

4. The biggest thing I’ve learned this year is to remember that no matter how much just you face in one day you will survive. You will wake up tomorrow. And even if you don’t get everything done, life will go on. If you’re anything like me, you will make sure things get done before the deadline, so instead of wasting your feelings on stress, use that anxiety to push towards finishing your to do list.

I hope these tips will help you be less stressed for the last couple weeks of classes! We’re almost there so just keep pushing through. I have faith that you’ll get everything done that you need to do!

Good Luck (not that you need it),



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