Americans can justify buying animal Halloween costumes

Published by adviser, Author: Kelsey Sozanski, Date: October 17, 2013

Halloween costumes for animals, you either love them or you hate them.  It has been reported according to Time Magazine, that Americans spend $370 million on our pets’ costumes.

Recession? What recession?

If we can spend money on costumes for pets, then surely our economy is doing just fine.  That’s a ridiculous amount of money that goes towards one holiday just for our four legged friends.  So why do we do it then?

More than 15 percent of our population participates in dressing up our animals, and I am proudly part of that statistic.

I should be asking myself, why do I spend money on a Halloween costume for a dog?

The costumes you find at a pet store like PetCo or PetSmart are not cheap, so why do we essentially throw money down the drain on an animals’ costume?

Reason number one, it’s adorable!  I have a little white dog that I love to dress up and this year he’s going to be a pumpkin.  Don’t tell me that this isn’t cute; you know it is.  According to Time, 95 percent of pet owners reported that their pet makes them smile at least once a day.  Dressing up your pet is a great way to not only smile, but to relieve stress.  I can always count on my dog Fleury to make me feel better and if I saw him in a Halloween costume, how could I not smile?

Reason number two, it’s a holiday, so why not go all out and have some fun with it?  Halloween is a major holiday in the U.S and Americans spend millions of dollars on candy.

If we can spend all this money on candy, why not on an animals costume?  Pets have status now and to keep your furry friends’ status high, you need to keep them in the loop and up-to-date on all the latest fashion trends, like Halloween costumes.

The final reason, is that we feel that we need to nurture our pets.  Most Americans treat their pet as a family member and if they’re a family member then they deserve to dress up for Halloween too.  Last year, $11 billion was spent on pet supplies.  According to this one statistic alone, we nurture our pets and want them to be a member of our families.

Whether you’re into dressing your pet up or not, be prepared to see some fashionable little furry legged monsters trick-or-treating this Halloween because the statistics show, we love to dress our pets up.


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