SGA launches investigation, SHS options discussed during meeting

Judiciary committee formed and Wilmes speaks on SHS

Published by Hayden Schultz, Date: April 17, 2024

SRSGA met twice last week after a lack of attendance in the April 8 SGA formal meeting.

In the April 8 meeting, Chief Student Affairs Officer David Wilmes spoke on the future of Student Health Services (SHS) and potential options SRU has.

With too few senators present for a vote on April 8, a makeup meeting was scheduled for April 13 where a judiciary committee was formed and a $2.5 million budget for clubs and organizations was approved among other motions.

Judiciary committee

During the April 13 makeup meeting, a judiciary committee was drafted. The motion to form the committee was approved.

It is unknown what the topic of investigation the committee is tasked with.

SHS discussion

During the April 8 meeting, Chief Student Affairs Officer David Wilmes spoke on future considerations for the state of SHS.

Wilmes cited declining visits, a deficit in the SHS budget paired with rising costs as a reason to why new options are being considered for SHS. He said the potential cost cutting via outsourcing could still maintain similar services and quality.

Potential options listed by Wilmes to solve rising costs and deficits included raising the health service fee again, scaling back staffing to match sister schools, continuing to shave off hours of operation, or issuing a Request for Proposal bidding solicitation to see if outsourcing would be viable.

Wilmes said the exact financial impact or service details of outsourcing is unknown without an RFP but estimated $1.5 million to $2 million in savings versus the current in-house system.

For additional details, The Rocket previously covered the future of SHS here.

Other motions

The Student Activity Fee budget of $2.5 million funding clubs and organizations was approved.

A new initiative request for $6,085 funding concussion protection gear for football helmets was approved.

The Yearbook Club at SRU was approved as a recognized student organization.


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