Homecoming king and queen nominees announced by Student Government

Published by adviser, Author: Kevin Squires - Assistant News Editor, Date: October 17, 2013

The nominees for the 2013 Homecoming King and Queen were announced at the Slippery Rock University Student Government Association’s general senate meeting Monday which began at 8:47 p.m. The homecoming theme is “Legends of the Rock.”

Nominees for King were Josh Johnson, Brett Brown, Jared Stanley, Alexander Merida and Monte Chapman. Nominees for Queen were Tesin Gnalian, Olivia Giger, Maria Montaro, Laura Ordaz and Sarah Hammond.

Dr. Robert Watson, Vice President for Student Affairs, congratulated the court for being selected and thanked everyone who ran.

“In keeping with the theme, you are very much parts of the legends of the rock, so congratulations to all of you,”  Watson said.

The Student Research Association was recognized as an organization Monday evening as well, beginning as a group primarily focusing on psychology research. The group hopes to eventually be more open to research amongst a variety of fields.

The Leadership and Physical Activity Club was also approved as a recognized organization, as was the Competitive Gamers’ Initiative. The Competitive Gamers’ Initiative will primarily partake in PC and console gaming activities.

John Coulter was named “liter” (leader) of the week. The “liter” of the week receives a water bottle from the executive board in recognition of their contribution to the Student Government Association. Casey Squires was also given the “Peppy Le Plank” award.

“I’m not going to lie, I’m not really sure why we gave that out,” SGA President Buddy Clements said after handing Squires a decorative plank.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:31 p.m. The next senate meeting will be Oct. 28 at 8:45 p.m. in the theater of the Robert M. Smith Student Center. Meetings are open for the entire student body to attend.


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