Jordyn Bennett, Asst. Sports Editor

Published by adviser, Date: August 22, 2016

In the fall of 2013 I traveled across the state from Chester, PA to Slippery Rock to pursue a degree in communication-journalism and fulfill a dream of playing collegiate football as a member of the university’s team. After two seasons, I made the decision to end my career for the Rock after a severe injury, but was not ready to be done with Rock athletics.

In the Fall of 2015 I found myself on the door of The Rocket looking for my first assignment as a contributor. Through the entire fall season I covered the women’s volleyball team. After covering volleyball for the most of the semester, my responsibilities increased. I began covering men’s basketball and writing feature stories consisting of the feature story in the “Basketball Preview 2015” and Athlete of the Month stories for the remainder of the year.

Now, going into my senior year, I will be The Rocket’s 2016-2017 Assistant Sports Editor and could not be more excited about what is in store. As the paper is going to be undergoing a lot of changes and doing things a lot differently then it has in the past, I am confident in the staff we have that we will deliver campus information in a fun and efficient way that SRU has never experienced before!


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