Sex Survey reveals students’ opinions on sex

Published by adviser, Date: February 11, 2016

Eighty-eight percent of students are sexually active, while only 33 percent have ever been tested for STDs and STIs, and even fewer are tested the recommended amount, which is twice annually, according to a Sex and Love survey distributed by The Rocket

The Rocket staff distributed this survey from both its Facebook and Twitter accounts, and let any student who was interested take the survey. The following survey results come from the anonymous answers of 145 respondents. Women comprised 68 percent of those surveyed, and men comprised the remaining 32 percent. Respondents were between ages 18 to 26 years old.

Almost 80 percent of those surveyed responded that they were straight, seven percent identified as gay or lesbian, 11 percent as bisexual and 1.4 percent identified as asexual. The rest of respondents identified as other, meaning they did not classify themselves as any of the listed sexualities.

Just a bit over half of respondents were in relationships compared to those who were single, 52 percent vs. 48 percent, and over 25 percent of those who are in relationships have been in them for two years or more.

The majority of students have sex weekly, 38 percent, and 20 percent either haven’t had sex at all, or are currently abstinent.

Sexual satisfaction among students is high at 62 percent, but half of respondents still think that other students are having more sex than they are. The rest think that other students are having about the same amount of sex that they are, and only 17 percent that other students are having less.

Most sexually active students, 82 percent, use birth control, and 28 percent say that they do not use either condoms or oral birth control. The most popular birth control method is male condoms, which is popular with 45 percent of students, and it is closely followed by oral birth control, which is used by 40 percent of respondents.

70 percent of respondents agree that modern society is too focused on sex, and 67 percent of respondents believe that romance isn’t dead in our generation. Romance is dead to 33 percent of students.

A little over half of students watch pornography, at 57 percent. Daily watchers comprise 13 percent of respondents who watch pornography. 21 percent watch it weekly, and 23 percent watch it monthly. 40 percent of people have watched pornography with someone else, and 24 percent have watched pornography with only their partner. Only three percent of students, all men, pay to watch pornography. Almost half of women watch pornography at 43 percent, and 89 percent of men surveyed watch pornography.  The majority of respondents thought that men watched more pornography than women did, at 97 percent. The remaining seven percent thought that women watched pornography more than men did. 

Of those who don’t watch pornography, the majority, 54 percent, doesn’t because they don’t have an interest in viewing it, 21 percent think that pornography degrades people and the remainder have moral or religious reasons for not doing it. 

Only 15 percent of students have never encountered pornography on social media, and the rest have encountered it mostly through Twitter.  The rest have encountered it through Instagram, Tumblr and least frequently, Facebook.

Forty percent of respondents have been asked to have sex through social media.

Fifty-two percent believe that it is important to experiment sexually while in college, and 48 percent have engaged in a one-night stand, but only 6 percent do so frequently. The majority of respondents, 85 percent, also believe that sex is better when you’re in love with your partner.

Twenty percent of respondents have attended a Pure Romance party, and 57 percent agree that Pure Romance parties are not awkward. Most Pure Romance partygoers, 66 percent, purchased something at a Pure Romance party. Thirty-eight percent of attendees did not purchase anything, and the same amount purchased bedroom toys or items of that nature. The remainder purchased bath and body products.

“Netflix and Chill” is a ubiquitous term for almost all of the respondents at 99 percent, and 40 percent of people who have heard of the term have engaged in “Netflix and Chill.” Half of respondents agreed that the most popular genre of movies for Netflix and Chill are romantic comedy and comedy movies.

Almost 30 percent of students have hooked up with another person using the dating apps Tinder and Grindr. Twenty-three percent of people have hooked up with someone through the app Tinder, 2 percent have hooked up through Grindr, and 3 percent have hooked up through both services. Five percent of students have hooked up anonymously through the  Yik Yak app.

Seniors are the most sexually active, with 88 percent of students engaging in sexual activity at least once yearly. Freshmen follow behind at 80 percent, juniors at 78 percent,and sophomores are the least sexually active at 73 percent.

Sophomores are also the most celibate, with 30 percent of them being either virgins or abstinent. Juniors are the second most celibate, at 22 percent, and freshmen follow at 20 percent. Only 11 percent of seniors were abstinent or virgins.

Eighty-seven percent of students believe that sexually active people should be tested after having sex with just one person, but only 33 percent have been tested for STDs and STIs. Only 12 percent get tested the recommended amount, and the rest get tested annually.

The only STI students reported having is HPV, the cause of genital warts. Of those who reported having and STD or STI, half went to their doctor to get it treated. Twenty-five percent went to the health center on campus, and the others did not get it treated.


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