The Rocket will be missed

Published by adviser, Author: Steph Holsinger - Commentary, Date: May 9, 2013

As the copy editor of the Rocket, most of you are probably not very familiar with me as I’ve only written two stories this year.

My job is to correct everyone’s spelling and grammar (mainly Jon’s… just kidding) and make sure everything is all perfect and sparkly before the editor-in-chief sends it out.

So for those of you who wince at the sight of a misspelled word, butchered sentence, or improper use of AP style, you can thank me for making sure that there were as little of those as possible this year.

I started my Rocket career last year by acting as the assistant news editor. I provided you all with everyone’s favorite section- the police blotter, and covered those oh so exciting SGA meetings.

Although I wrote many stories during my time as assistant news editor, I’m slightly embarrassed and sad to say that this is my first (and last) opinion piece.

I’ve had many opinions in my four years here at SRU, so I regret not expressing them in the best way I know how… writing. Most of the time, I chose to just spew them all over Facebook, which probably isn’t good.

What am I supposed to be writing about again? Oh, that’s right. I’m supposed to be writing a goodbye column. I truly can’t believe how fast these past four years have passed.

If there’s one thing I regret not doing during my college years, I would say that I regret not getting involved with the Rocket sooner.

Through working on this amazing staff, I’ve met many new people, made great friends, and gained real-life experience that will benefit me in whatever field I end up in after graduation.

For those of you that are faithful readers of the Rocket, what you probably don’t know is that every Thursday night, we as a staff come together as a team (and family) to put out the best paper possible.

I’m truly going to miss Thursday nights with my Rocket family.  I’m sad to say goodbye, but I have tremendous faith in next year’s staff, because you’re all a great bunch of hardworking people.

So, keep it up guys. Raise the bar higher. I look forward to seeing what you all can do! I love each and every one of you. Keep in touch!

I will miss all of you, and in some weird way, part of me will miss the monotony of this community that we call Slippery Rock.


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