Occupational therapy students volunteer at Harrisville Sportsman Night

Published by , Author: Hope Hoehler - Assistant Campus Life Editor, Date: October 4, 2018

The Harrisville Volunteer Fire Department held its annual Sportsman Night on Sept. 15, where several occupational therapy graduate students from Slippery Rock University volunteered in the kitchen and the hall during the event.  

Sportsman Night is a cash and gun raffle benefitting the HVFD.  Those who were 21 years of age or older spent the night drinking, eating, socializing and buying tickets for the chance to win cash or a firearm.  

Several occupational therapy graduate students volunteered their time to Sportsman Night. The volunteers arrived early to help prepare and set up before the event. Throughout the night, others helped direct parking, prepare and stock food in the kitchen, and sell tickets on the floor.  

“Personally, my favorite part was getting to meet the people of Harrisville. Everyone was so nice and welcoming, and I really enjoyed talking to them and getting to know the town,” said Jessica Bonfili, an occupational therapy graduate student and Sportsman Night volunteer.

The occupational therapy doctoral program is new to the university, so this was the first time that the students had volunteered at this event.  

“Being a brand-new program and new to the town we wanted to develop a good relationship with the community,” Bonfili said. “I would love to participate again next year and look forward to other opportunities to work together.” 

Occupational therapy graduate students Amy Hoover and Jackie Gallagher were also some of the volunteers alongside Bonfili.  

“I think we all had a great time. Not only was it enjoyable to get to interact with the community, but it’s also fun to get to spend time together and bond with classmates outside of school,” Bonfili said.