The Rocket should remove ‘useless piece of journalism’ and apologize

Published by adviser, Author: Haley Sweetland, Date: November 13, 2014

Hi I am a reader of the Rocket and I came across a story titled sru student threatens ex girlfriends life. I ask, with the utmost respect for your newspaper, that you please remove this useless piece of “journalism” from your online social media. Also many other students and I would like to see an apology for the vulgar details included on the front page.  The rocket must take credit for all the editorials published and have the advisor proofread ALL of the articles. If I do not see a change I will contact your advisor immediately. Be professional.  

I was directed here by this post on Twitter “@slipperyrockU: The Rocket is a student newspaper. SRU is not responsible for its editorials. Please direct such concerns to:”

Haley Sweetland


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