Steph Holsinger, Copy Editor

Published by adviser, Date: January 8, 2013

“I confess to wincing every so often at a poorly chosen word, a mangled sentence, an expression of emotion that seems indulgent or overly practiced. I have the urge to cut the book by fifty pages or so, possessed as I am with a keener appreciation for brevity.” – Barack Obama

Learning is all about repetition. As someone who grew up in a small Beaver County town that doesn’t have a single traffic light in place, I have been surrounded by repetition for my entire life. I started reading at the age of three. Each night, as my parents would read me a story, I wouldn’t just listen—I would study the words that were presented to me and I learned what they meant. Eventually, my parents started making me flash cards with more advanced words and after studying them over and over again, I would learn the proper spelling and meaning for each word. I’ve always had a strong eye for spelling, grammar, and writing in general, and I give full credit to my parents for helping me read at an early age. Throughout my teenage years, I had the opportunity to represent my school at two county-wide spelling bees. Being known as the best speller in my graduating class gave me something to be proud of… as nerdy as that may seem. As a communication major and writing minor at SRU, I have taken many classes that have helped me to better develop my writing skills and express my ideas. When I took news writing, it opened my eyes to a completely new style of writing that I wouldn’t have considered otherwise, and it allowed me to earn the position of Assistant News Editor for the Rocket during my junior year. Now, as copy editor, my passion is to make sure that all material coming out of our office is as correct and polished as possible for our readers.


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