SRSGA elects new officers

Student government chooses new Speaker of the Senate, Residence Hall and new senators

Published by Zac Gibson, Date: September 13, 2023
5 newly appointed senators swear in at the SRSGA formal on September 11, 2023.

The Slippery Rock Student Government Association (SRSGA) approved seven new positions at its formal meeting on Monday evening in the Smith Student Center theater.

The SRSGA President, Ella Bloom, was absent due to a concussion. Parliamentarian Ezek Warren led in her stead.

Emily Steele won the ballot for Speaker of the Senate after presenting to the Senate against candidates Austin Burchell, Rebecca George and Maddie Caroff.

Senator Burchell presented first, focusing on his two years of experience in SGA.

Steele followed, stating her intent to be a strong source of support for the members of the senate, and that a stronger bond in the association will benefit the senate’s deliberation capabilities.

“I want to be here for you, I want to be your support system,” she said. “I want to focus on friendship and bonding—That’ll help us to have more discussion and debate. The more we can talk to each other, the more we can be productive as a student government.”

Senators George and Caroff echoed Steele’s sentiments of support and bonding in their speeches.

Kelly Carbone from New Jersey beat out candidates BreAnna Emerick and Noah Smokovich in the residence hall senator election.

The freshman senator’s speech emphasized her public-facing experience as a public relations officer at her high school.

“I think residence life is so important, coming from someone who’s from New Jersey, a six-and-a-half-hour drive. So, you know this is our home,” she said. “We want to make sure this is comfortable for all kinds of students, no matter if they’re 20 minutes or 10 hours away.”

Senator Ryan Schmidt, a senator candidate looking to become a College of Engineering and Science senator, also gave a speech during the Residence Hall election.

Vice Presidents Hood and Husnick and Senators Double and George motioned to confirm Steele and Caroff respectively as Speaker and Residence Hall Senator.

Other notable motions included the approvals of Reagan Czerniewski, Olivia Bankosh, Abigail Mortensen, Owen Snyder and Ryan Schmidt as new senators.

Student government advisor Patrick Beswick congratulated the new senators in his remarks.

The Senate adjourned at 5:57 p.m.


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