Tips To Build a Strong Law School Application

Published by Partnered Content, Date: November 1, 2021
Tips To Build a Strong Law School Application

Law school may seem intimidating, but don’t get discouraged. While some who apply may feel beaten down with rejection, there are many ways to boost your chances of acceptance. Read these tips to build a strong law school application for guidance. You’ll see that applying to law school is not an impossible task, and, with the right skills and knowledge, anyone can do it to further their legal career.

Research Different Law Programs

Take your time when choosing the right law program for you. As with choosing your undergraduate college or university, there are numerous law programs across the country and worldwide. Each one has ranking, strengths, and weaknesses. Also, when selecting a law program, keep in mind the school and its overall fit. Other considerations are location, tuition, financial aid, academic integrity, faculty, size, student culture, and career support. A top-tier law program should have the resources available to help you succeed in your future legal career. Make a list of law schools you want to apply to with these in mind to keep you on track. A law school consultant can help find the ideal law program for you.

Take the LSAT

Like earning a graduate degree or other professional degree, law schools require a specific test for admittance. This is known as the LSAT, or law school admission test. The LSAT has five sections: analytical reasoning, logical reasoning (broken into two sections), reading comprehension, and variable section (unscored). There may also be an unscored writing sample. The analytical reasoning section is 35 minutes long and tests your ability to understand decisions and outcomes, determine relationships between concepts, and draw conclusions for situations based on ambiguous or complex conditions. The two logical reasoning components are 25 minutes each and test your ability to extract details and information from arguments, apply logic, and evaluate their results. The reading comprehension section is also 35 minutes and tests your ability to extract the main ideas from reading passages, find relevant information within them, and understand their purpose.

Diversify Your Interests and Background

One tip for building a strong law school application not many people consider is diversifying your interests and background. Law programs seek out a diverse student body. That means even the best and brightest students won’t get in if they possess no extracurriculars or personal interests. Law schools want people from all backgrounds. Ask yourself in what ways you differ from other candidates. Even unconventional hobbies make for an attention-grabbing application. Law schools attract students from the humanities, sciences, and other academic backgrounds. You can get your undergraduate degree in something unrelated and still be a contender for a top-tier law program.

Receive Credible Letters of Recommendation

Naturally, recommendation letters are essential components of a good application. These letters must come from people who best know you. Since you’re applying to another academic institution, undergraduate professors are your best resource. Ask professors who know your academic goals, capabilities, and personality well enough to write a strong recommendation letter. Also, religious or community leaders, an employer, or a personal mentor write strong recommendation letters, too. Ultimately, a strong recommendation letter comes from those who know you best and can show that in writing.


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