SGA discusses results of student life survey, provides funding for new van

Published by adviser, Author: Daniel DiFabio - News Editor , Date: November 23, 2016

SGA’s formal meeting on Monday night went over the results of the 2016 student life survey and helped to fund a new van for athletic teams to use.

Abbey Fugh, vice president of students and academic affairs, gave a presentation on the 2016 student life surveys. Fugh said that this year’s survey had a great turnout, receiving 1,354 responses. One issue shared among students was parking, with 72.5 percent of students who had taken the survey saying they were dissatisfied.

SGA said they were looking into adding signs to indicate where Happy Bus stops were on campus, as well as adding new, healthier options to vending machines. The group also said that they were looking into rebranding the Women’s Center so that individuals can recognize that it is for everyone, not necessarily just women.

One student in attendance at the meeting suggested that SGA look into limiting hours at the electronic store in the Smith Student Center, stating that there was a small number of customers coming in during their shift, and that SGA could save money by balancing the hours that the store is open.

Logan Steigerwald, SGA president, spoke on the ongoing issue of lights on Harmony Road and said that some progress had been made, with two lights currently up, while the addition of a light pole was delayed.

SGA also approved $10,000 to purchase a new van that will be used to take women’s tennis and other teams to events.

The group also approved minutes from the Nov. 7 formal senate meeting and tabled an article on vacancy, which would dictate who would be in charge and create an order of succession for when Steigerwalt is no longer president.


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