Simple Tips To Improve Your Pace of Play While Golfing

Published by Partnered Content, Date: September 28, 2020
Simple Tips To Improve Your Pace of Play While Golfing

Nothing beats being on a golf course during the summer. There’s something so relaxing about approaching the tee and watching your ball soar through the sunshine. However, your bliss could be quickly ruined if your group takes forever to get through the game. Here are some helpful tips to improve your pace of play while golfing if you find the foursome behind you is getting testy.

Golf Carts Are Your Friend

One of the easiest things you can do to hasten play on a round of golf is to ride in a golf cart. Driving a golf cart saves people precious time that they’d spend walking to each hole. These vehicles are especially beneficial during summertime when temperatures are high and heatstroke is common. However, course supervisors should preform essential golf cart maintenance to keep them in working order and prevent accidents on the green. These rides are supposed to make the game easier, not cause injuries.

Set an Efficient Order

Another tip to improve your pace of play while golfing is to set an efficient order. Inorganization will slow down a golf game more than anything else. Decide on the first tee who goes first, but after teeing off, the player whose drive is farthest from the hole shoots next. As soon as you sink your putt, start moseying over to the next tee to keep things moving.

Limit Time at the Tee

Many folks waste so much time at the tee planning the perfect shot. What people don’t realize is that overthinking does more harm than good. Plan your tee shot ahead of time, taking one practice swing, if necessary. Remember: golf is a mental game. Don’t let your anxiety get the best of you when your turn finally comes around. Minimizing your time at the tee not only speeds up your game but may also improve it.

Golf is one of the most enjoyable sports out there. Yet the pressure can be turned up if your group takes too long, and another one is waiting. Follow these tips to increase the pace of play so you can enjoy yourself without taking up too much time.


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