What Are the Lowest Paying Medical Careers?

Published by , Date: August 3, 2020
What Are the Lowest Paying Medical Careers?

Trying to declare a major and set a course of study isn’t easy. Before you even set foot on campus freshman year, you are supposed to know what you want to do for the rest of your life. That’s a lot to ask of an 18-year-old. Most people want to pick a major that will lead to a good job with great benefits and afford a comfortable lifestyle. That’s not asking for too much. The medical field is a great place to make some money and a safe field for job security because it will always be in demand. You don’t have to be a neurosurgeon to make money in medicine. Sonographers, phlebotomists, and physical therapists have rewarding careers. Don’t get it twisted, though—there are some jobs with low pay in the medical world, too. What are the lowest paying medical careers? Let’s find out.

Admitting Clerks

Admitting clerks are the front lines of hospitals. They admit new patients and collect insurance, contact, and payment information. They do the clerical work and keep all the information organized and accessible. They average $20-$30k a year.

Activity Aide

An activity aide is kind of like the master of ceremonies at a nursing home. They are responsible for planning activities, games, and exercises for the residents. Without activity aides, residents would sit all day with no interaction or place to go. They make around $20-$25k a year.

Dietary Aides

Dietary aides are responsible for feeding patients in nursing homes and hospitals. They prepare food, stock shelves, and keep the kitchen areas clean. At mealtimes, dietary aides deliver food to patients and residents, ensuring that those with dietary restrictions get the proper meals. They make under $20k annually. This is the lowest paying medical career at present.

Pharmacy Technician

A pharmacy technician helps the pharmacist fill prescriptions. They also interact with customers and answer any questions they may have. Recordkeeping, ordering medications, and maintaining other supplies are part of the job as well. The average salary is around $30k annually.

Nursing Aides

Nursing, home health, and psychiatric aides are among the lowest paid in the field. They average around $20k a year. What they lack in monetary rewards, they make up for in karma and emotional rewards. They assist patients with their activities and their daily lives. They act as the eyes and ears for the patients’ doctors and are often the first to notice changes in patients.


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