SGA questions vending machine card readers

Published by adviser, Author: Amber Cannon - Assistant News Editor, Date: September 18, 2014

During their regular senate meeting Monday, the Slippery Rock University Student Government Association (SGA) tabled the motion of  adding up to 40 credit card readers to beverage vending machines around campus.

Wendy Leitera, SGA advisor and business manager explained that vending costs have decreased drastically within the last year. In order for vending sales to reach a happy medium, a five percent fee would be charged with the purchase of a beverage every time a student swipes their card.

“The card readers will help boost sales for vending, which also helps us fund many organizations on campus. With the card readers, the only difference is the little bump in prices,” Leitera said. “If this falls through, students will only have to pay ten cent extra for a beverage. So, instead of paying $1.65, students would pay 


Anthony Plumberg, SGA Vice President of Campus Outreach motioned to have the topic tabled until SGA’s next informal meeting. SGA announced that next week will be SRU color week in honor of Homecoming week. 

“I sat down with Joe Flynn [manager of SGA bookstore], D’Rae Wise, and some students from PR to talk about how we can promote Homecoming. We ultimately decided on making next week color week to promote school spirit for homecoming week,” SGA President Katie Hill said. “It’s going to be a pretty big deal. We’ll have photo contests throughout the week. Everyone is asked to wear green and white everyday of next week.”

Speaking on behalf of Provost Way, Hill explained how important Homecoming safety will be. SRU will be cracking down on underage citations the weekend of Homecoming. Slippery Rock Borough Police, as well as Pennsylvania State Police and undercover cops will be roaming around during the tailgate prior to the football game, making sure that no problems occur.

Brad Kovaleski, SGA advisor, added that as long as students don’t look or act intoxicated, they will be fine.

“As long as student can handle themselves and act appropriately, they will be fine. It’s not like the police will be going around and issuing underage after underage,” Kovaleski said.” Once students under the age of 21 start getting out of control, that’s when the problem will occur. We want to try to prepare students to make the right choices during Homecoming weekend.”

Building B senator, Emily Murasso, ensured students that  buses for the Slippery Rock vs. Mercyhurst game in Michigan is $5, which includes a t-shirt, boxed breakfast and lunch, and admission into the game. 

SGA approved the Finance and Economics Club as a recognized organization. Jenna Temple was elected as Watson Hall Senator. Building B Senator, Aimee Albright was named “liter” of the week.


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