Ask Andi

Published by adviser, Author: Andi - Rocket Contributor, Date: November 11, 2014


Dear Andi,

I recently began a new relationship this past summer, and I’m very happy with it. However, I started casual conversation with a kid I see in my building throughout the week, and he asked for my number. He’s a very nice person and I don’t mind being friends, but when, how, and should I tell him I have a boyfriend without making the situation awkward? I don’t know what his intentions are.


Friend Zone


Dear Friend Zone,

I think the best way to tell him is to be straight up about it. The longer you wait to tell this kid, the more awkward it is going to be, so make sure to tell him as soon as possible. Being honest would probably be the best thing for both him and you, so you don’t possibly continue to lead him on. You could even do something like have a picture of you and your boyfriend together laying out for this kid in your hall to see, and somehow bring it up through a story or something. I do think though that you need to tell him sooner rather than later. Plus, you never know how he will take it and this is a good way to find out what his intentions really are!

Hope this helps!



Dear Andi,

As the semester has gone on, I’ve felt less and less motivated to go to class and get my assignments done. I’ve only missed a handful of classes, but in past semesters I haven’t missed any. My assignments are getting done at the last minute too, but they aren’t my best effort. What can I do to get motivated again when there’s still so much of the semester left to get through?


Apathetic Academic​


Dear Apathetic Academic,

Let me start out by saying, I completely understand your struggle. As the semester goes on, I’ve noticed that the motivation level has dropped for a lot of people, including myself. Our generation is a group of kids who want instant gratification which makes it hard to see how hard work can pay-off in the long run. Just remind yourself as to why you’re in college, and think about the you in five years. Would you be kicking yourself for not going to classes? Is what you’re doing right now going to make the future you happy or mad? Another way to motivate yourself to go to class is to think about how much money you’re throwing away each time you don’t go to class. If each class is about $300, that’s a lot of money you just let those professors have. Take this lack of motivation as a challenge instead of discouragement. How can you turn this feeling around to drive yourself with these last couple weeks left?

“Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” -Og Mandino

You can do this!



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